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          "This is my room"Moreni said and Jide smiled nodding entering the room with Moreni. He took in the room looking around

"You have a cheesy room"Jide said and Moreni chuckled

"You can say it again,I would love to change things but this is not so much of my room anymore"Moreni said and Jide nodded understanding what Moreni meant. "we should get ready and joined the family in the dining room"

"Okay"Jide said and Moreni went inside her bathroom. Jide look around the room again smiling,the room is small but comfortable. The room portrays a room for a teenage girl. Moreni came out of the bathroom and they left the room going over to the dining room. They met that the dining room is already set,Mrs Rotimi came and they sat down and shortly after Mr Rotimi joined them

"How was the journey?"Mr Rotimi asked

"The journey was okay. Good morning sir"Jide said and Mr Rotimi smiled

"Good morning"Mr Rotimi replied

"I cooked rice and stew,I hope you love it"Mrs Rotimi said and Jide smiled looking at Moreni who smiled back at him. Mrs Rotimi started serving the food in their plates while Mr Rotimi thought it was the right time to engaged in a chat

"How's work?"Mr Rotimi asked

"Very well sir. How's business?"Jide asked

"We thank God, everything is moving fine"Mr Rotimi said

"Where is this Kike?"Mrs Rotimi sudden said

"Leave my poor baby alone,she might be scared of meeting a new face"Mr Rotimi said and everyone in the table chuckled

"Oh here she is"Mrs Rotimi suddenly said and everyone look up to see Kike approaching them. Jide's breathe stuck on his throat when his eyes landed on Kike,even though she was dress in old clothes she looks so beautiful and innocent. Her young nature fuelling everything about her,Moreni was right when she said they look nothing alike,he watched her as she went to sit beside her mom

"How are you Kike?"Moreni suddenly asked diverting Jide's attention to her for a second before he focused his gaze on Kike again who he caught smiling,he saw a faint dimple on her cheeks. Her dimples aren't that deep

"I'm fine sis,how's work?"Kike asked and Jide watched the way her lips moves, she has a love shaped pouting plumpy lips which suddenly became his favourite type of lips

"Pushing through,you look more beautiful"Moreni replied and Jide couldn't agree any less. This lady sitting across him is his own definition of beauty,young and innocence.

"You know my beauty can never be compared to yours"Kike said and Jide found himself smiling when he suddenly heard Mr Rotimi cracking his throat.

"Meet Jide, your sister's Fiancé. I'm sure the two of you have never met before"Mr Rotimi said while Jide watched Kike slowly raise up her head to look at him,their brown eyes locked briefly and Kike look away almost like she's shy to look at him and that enticed him the more.

"Kike how are you?"Jide decided to engage in a conversation with her

"I'm fine sir"she squirmed.

"I heard you just gained admission,how's preparation?"Jide asked and Kike look at him before looking away

"Fine sir"she replied

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