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"Hey!" Jerry said and kissed Kike on the lips,Kike smiled at him. Kike have said yes to his proposal and they have been dating for a week now

"My shift will be over soon" Kike says

"I know,I was planning on asking you out on a date. Tell me when you're free"Jerry says

" Okay..."they suddenly felt someone's presence and turn

" Chief doctor wants to see you Miss Rotimi" one of the cleaners in the hospital said

" Me? why?"Kike asked looking surprised

"I don't know but he wants to see you immediately" The cleaner said and Kike nodded before she walked away

" We will talk later" Kike said and Jerry nodded before Kike left him. Joel is the chief doctor of the hospital and he's rarely around except on special occasions,Kike was surprised he wants to see her of all people in the hospital.

"Come in!" She heard a faint come in after knocking on the door,she opened the door and went inside. She met Joel sitting in his rotating chair going through some files

"Sir! You called for me" Kike says

"Yes I did,please sit"Joel says and Kike did that " Well a friend of mine that owns an hospital in England wants me to recommend good nurses and doctors from Nigeria for him"Joel said and Kike look at him immediately " I recommended you,you're very good at your work and you deserve the transfer. Your paperwork will be done within a month and then you can go to England"

" Me? I'm going to England?"Kike asked looking surprised

" Yes you,you should be grateful. There are a lot of people in this hospital and I decided to recommend you"Joel said and Kike's lip widen into a smile

"Thank you so much sir,I'm so grateful" Kike said and Joel smiled

"You're welcome,you can go now"Joel said and Kike nodded standing up. She left the the office and quietly close the door behind her,she jumped up doing a victory dance. She's so happy she's going to leave Nigeria

When Joel was sure that Kike have left,he took his phone dialling Monica's contact

Monica is in the kitchen busy preparing dinner for the family when her phone started ringing,she stepped out of the kitchen picking the call

"Good evening Joel" Monica said after picking the call

" Good evening,I was able to do what you asked me to do. She seems to be very happy"Joel said and Monica sighed relieved

" Thank you so much Joel" Monica said and the call came to an end

On Kike's birthday morning

Monica took her phone dialling Jide's contact,Jide picked the call on the third ring

"I'm sorry I was in the bathroom" Jide says after picking the call

" How are you doing?"Monica asked

" I'm fine. What's up? How's Kike,today is her birthday hope she's enjoying the day"Jide said and Monica sighed

" I think it's time you talk to her" Monica says

"Why? She asked me never to show my face to her again,she will contact me when she feels like talking to me"Jide said playing with his fingers. He misses Kike a lot and really wants to see her but he have decided to put his feelings at bay and respect Kike's decision

"That's bullshit Jide and you know it! You have sacrificed so much for her and she needs to know that"Monica says

" And I'm sure she won't be pleased with that. I'm okay seriously Moni,don't worry about me"Jide says

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