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Moreni smiled sadly looking at Kike who gave her all her attention

" I did something in the past" Moreni said and Kike got confused

" What did you do?"Kike asked

"Timothy use to be my boyfriend right from University days,he was a close friend before we started dating. He really loves me and shows me that in every opportunity he gets, so we started having premarital sex right from University days and one day I got pregnant. I told him about it and he planned on getting married to me right away, we started planning our wedding without informing our families first. We wanted to get all the necessary things ready. The week we are suppose to visit each other's family,I remember telling Mom then that the man who wants to marry me will be coming over this weekend and she was so happy I will be getting married at a young age,I was just twenty one years then. So it was during that week I saw Jide and approached him,collected his number and we started talking online though initially he wasn't that responsive but I kept on pressing on and we started talking all the time. I was so much in love with him and went ahead and aborted Timothy's baby"

" What?! Why?"Kike asked looking very surprised

" It's not a month,two months old pregnancy. It's six months plus pregnancy"Moreni said and started crying quietly,Kike covered her mouth up immediately,she can't believe her sister can do that

"So I cancelled our supposed wedding,Timothy never met my parents and when mom asked me about it I lied to her telling her I found out he is not a good man,mom said I should forget about it that I'm young anyways"Moreni said and sniffed chuckling softly " I didn't know I was busy destroying myself"

"I started dating Jide and things got serious between us and he wanted to make me his wife after so many years, I was so happy. I remembered that day as the happiest day in my life. I was happy my dream is finally coming to pass but karma is a bitch,I got back what I did to Timothy"Moreni said and chuckled dryly

" I'm sorry"Kike said looking away

"It's fine now. Timothy actually talked sense into me and now I see a lot of things,Jide wasn't mine from the start. I forced it, maybe God wanted the both of you to meet through me and even if there isn't me,you guys would have met nevertheless"Moreni said and smiled " Timothy proposed marriage to me,he will help me out of this prison and I'm going to accept it. I'm going to make up for all the things I did in the past,most people don't get lucky like me"

" I'm so happy for you sister,I prayed you should get out of here soon"Kike said and Moreni smiled "I hope you don't harbor any hatred towards me anymore"

" I was going to ask thesame,I'm totally okay with you"Moreni said and smiled showing her teeth

" Same here,I'm perfectly okay with you" Kike said and stand up. Moreni did thesame too and hugged Kike,Kike hugged her sister back while they cries a little and ended it with a short laugh

"Live a good life" Moreni said and Kike nodded

"So do you"Kike said and waved at Moreni before leaving the prison, immediately she left she broke down and fall on the ground and started crying. It felt like she was saying her final goodbye to her sister but she had never felt so complete, atleast her sister isn't on bad terms with her anymore.


Lazily going back home she met Jide in the sitting room watching movie

"Good evening" Kike said and Jide turn to see her smiling

"How was the talk?" Jide asked

"Perfectly okay. Where you able to talk to the person I need to meet?"Kike asked

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