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Jide was resting in his office after having a meeting with one of his client, fatigue was pulling him in and he decided to rest for awhile. He suddenly heard is phone vibrating and lazily took it, he met a message from an unknown contact, he was baffled initially but his curiousity was bigger. He opened the message and slowly read it

Stay away from Morenikeji. She's mine and will always be, stop whatever wedding you're planning

Jide didn't understand the message initially,he read it thrice looking confused. He wonder who is threatening him, he still couldn't come to a conclusion and decided to wait until he gets back home and confront Moreni about it


Kike was done with her first paper, she came out of the hall after signing out. She stretched her body and her eyes roaming about looking for Rose. She suddenly saw Rose sitting under a tree near to the exam hall, she walk up to meet her, her steps slow down when she saw tears running down from her eyes

Rose suddenly felt someone's presence and wiped her tears immediately cracking her throat

"What's wrong with you?"Kike asked

"Nothing"Rose replied faking a smile

"You're a bad liar Rose, so tell me what's wrong with you?"Kike said kneeling beside her and slowly patting her back. Rose bursted into heavy tears,she cried and cried until she couldn't cry again.

"What happened?"Kike asked again after letting her to cry to her heart content

"My sister, she's not responding to the treatment and the doctor asked me to pay a sum of one million seven hundred thousand to operate on her, where am I going to find such money. Tell me Kikelomo,where am I going to find such. I'm tired"Rose says and Kike couldn't say anything. She knows Rose is in so much pain and she don't know how she can help her

"What about your uncles and aunts?"Kike asked

"They all abandoned us. I'm the one taking care of my siblings since we lost our parents"Rose said standing up

"Where are you going to?"Kike asked standing up too

"I'm going to look for money"Rose said

"From where?"Kike asked

"Don't worry"Rose said before walking away leaving Kike to watch her retreating figure. Kike sighed and took her bag heading back home, she made a mental note to call Rose later when she's back to her senses and stable


Jide was done for the day and went back home, to his surprise Moreni was home in the kitchen cooking. He decided to have a shower first before joining her. He took a shower and got dress in a khaki short and a white polo shirt.

He headed to the kitchen where Moreni was busy cooking

"Babe"Moreni said when her eyes landed on Jide

"How are you doing?"Jide asked

"I'm fine"Moreni replied and started serving the spaghetti she was preparing into three plates

"I have something to ask you"Jide said and Moreni halted what she was doing turning to look at Jide

"What's it?"Moreni asked

"I was in the office when an unknown number texted me, the person was threatening me because of you"Jide said

"Because of me?"Moreni asked

"Yes because you!"Jide replied taking his phone out of his pocket, he pressed his message app and touch the message from the strange number giving it to Moreni, Moreni collected his phone and read the message quietly

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