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Jide left Raphael's place and head to cold stone,he decided to buy ice cream for Kike, anything to make her feel okay. He entered cold stone and he doesn't know which flavour Kike likes. He decided to buy all the available flavour,he thought about how he never took Kike out on a date,he decided that when all the problems have been solved and he is finally with Kike,he will take her out on a date and learn more about her. He entered his car and saw all the ice cream he bought and smiled childishly,he knows Kike is going to be surprised about this.

He entered his car and headed home hopefully Kike and Moreni is back from their shopping,he parked his car in front of the house and came down taking all the ice cream he bought,he knocked on the door and no one answered,he took his personal key and opened the door entering the house. The house is so quiet and he wondered if they aren't back yet,he got sad because he wanted to give those Ice cream to Kike eagerly. He headed to the kitchen dropping them on the fridge, he was heading to his room when he started hearing sounds but not loud enough to cause suspicion. He got curious and left his room following the sound,it led him to the dining room and he was surprised to see Kike on the floor shaking fervently obviously fighting for her life.

She was covered with blood and there's a whitish thing forming out of her mouth

"Kike! No! No! No! Kike!" Jide shouted getting so scared,he had never been so scared in his life like the way he is at the moment. He went closer to her immediately picking her up "what happened?! Please Kike please don't die! Don't do this to me!"Jide said and started crying profusely,he carried her inside his car and ride out of the house immediately heading to the hospital,he kept on crying and praying Kike doesn't die.

As soon as he reached the hospital,he carried her rushing inside the hospital "Doctor! Doctor! Somebody help me please! Somebody help me please!"he kept on shouting,the nurses rushed over to him immediately bringing a stretcher,they put Kike inside and rushed her in asking Jide to stay behind.

Jide fell on the floor and started crying,he didn't mind people were there watching him,he ding his hand inside his trouser and pull out his phone,he dialled Moreni's contact three times but she didn't pick,he decided to call Raphael

"What's up bro?" Raphael said as soon as he picked the call

" Raphael I'm dead! I went back home and met Kike bleeding and forming out whitish substance from her mouth,no one was at home"Jide said in between his tears

" Oh my God! Where is she?" Raphael asked sounding very worried

" I'm at the hospital right now, Raphael I need someone here please call my mom for me, I want her here with me"Jide said

" Okay,I will be there immediately send the details of the hospital to me"Raphael said and Jide ended the call sending the hospital address to Raphael. Jide kept on spacing around, hitting the wall and crying. He prayed nothing happens to Kike.


"What's it? You don't look so good" Rose said as she entered Raphael's room

" Kike is in the hospital"Raphael said and the glass cup Rose is holding fell from her hand breaking into pieces

"What?! What do you mean by that?" Rose asked getting scared

" The way Jide explained,it seems like she's poisoned"Raphael said and Rose covered her mouth with her hands and started crying

"Oh no! No! No! I have to go there, I have to be in the hospital right away!"Rose said crying

" I have to call my aunt first,Jide asked me to call his mom" Raphael said and started dialling aunt Victoria's contact,Rose rushed over to take her phone and wear her shoes. They left the house asking the twins to take care of them selves

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