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Kike sighed as she wakes up from her sleep,Monica haven't just gave her an envelope she also send some files through WhatsApp for her. She decided to open them when she have settled in. She came down from the plane walking out of the airport,she look around looking very surprised and so unrealistic. She can't believe she's far away from her birth country

"You're Kike right?" A white girl suddenly asked. Even though she didn't pronounced Kike's name right,Kike knew immediately she's the person in charge of her

"Yes,Miss Clair?" Kike asked

"Yes,so good to find you easily. We should go" Clair said and Monica nodded walking towards a car with Clair.

The ride to her new home was averagely long,they came down from the car with Kike looking around. Clair helped her with her bags inside and Kike gave her a grateful smile

"Thank you so much" Kike said and Clair smiled

"This is your room,you should make it lively and tomorrow we can hit the hospital"Clair said and Kike nodded
She took her bag inside the room and started arranging the room to her taste. When she was done she sent messages to her family in Nigeria letting them know,she have arrived safely

Kike had went to bed early that day, unusually tired after the long airplane ride.

The following day came so quickly,Kike wakes up having her bath,she dressed up leaving her room. She met Clair in the dining room setting the dining table

"Breakfast is almost ready" Clair said and Kike nodded giving her a grateful smile. She sat down and ate with Clair before they head out for the hospital.

Kike's jaws drops as she take in the scene of the hospital,she have never saw a very beautiful and enormous hospital like this before

"You work here too?" Kike asked and Clair nodded chuckling

" I'm a radiologist" Clair said and Kike watched her in awe.

"That's so cool" Kike said and Clair chuckled.

Clair helped Kike to meet the hospital chief,she was assigned to her duty and get to know her co-workers formally. The day went better than Kike thought, everyone were nice to her and she's glad even though most of the people she's going to work with are white.

A week later with strenuous work and Kike loving every bit of it, she left work in the evening when she was done with her shift. Sadly Clair had night shift and she's the only one that's going to stay at home.

She sighed as she went inside her room, she slumped on her bed when she heard her phone beeped,she took her phone and saw a message from Jerry and sighed

I don't care if we are millions of miles apart,I want you to know I love you and I will wait for you


Kike read and sighed,she have broke up with Jerry before leaving Nigeria. She don't know when she will be back or if she will ever go back to Nigeria so she can't give Jerry false hope,he needs to move on with his life without her

Kike suddenly remembered Monica gave her an envelope,she have been so busy that she forgot about it. She stood up from her bed immediately heading to her drawer,she took the envelope from it opening it. She was surprised to see a letter inside,she sat on her bed and started reading it

If you have decided to open this letter,first of all I will have to apologise for everything I kept away from you for the past six years you have been living with me. I think you deserve to know and Jide deserves to have you in his life again

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