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Kike had went home and continue calling Rose contact but each time she wasn't picking, her mind wasn't at rest and she knew no one she could call. She dropped her bag on the bed and sighed. No one was at home when she came back to the house,her mind was still occupied by the thought of what might have happened to Rose that made her unable to pick her call, she was thinking about who she can call when her mind suddenly landed on Raphael, at least Raphael is a mutual person they both know.

But the problem was she doesn't have Raphael's contact, she sighed and started taking of her clothes thinking about having a cool shower and heading to bed straight after trying to talk to Rose. She had collected Nnenna's contact earlier so that she will be able to reach her incase Rose wasn't able to call, she wore her robe dialling Nnenna's contact, she wasn't picking too. She decided to let it be after trying it thrice,she thought that maybe she might be sleeping.

She suddenly heard the main door open and went to the sitting room to meet Jide coming back from work

"Good evening"She greeted

"Good evening, is your sister back?"Jide asked

"No, please can I ask something from you?"Kike asked

"What's it?"Jide asked

"Brother Raphael's contact,I need it urgently"Kike said and jealousy went through Jide, he wondered what Kike needs his contact for and moreover he wondered when they got close to the extent of Kike having something to tell him urgently. He shoved the jealousy part of him in the back his mind and asked for her phone

"Where is your phone?"Jide asked

"Let me get it"She said and went back to her room to get her phone, she went back to the sitting room and Jide typed Raphael's contact on Kike's phone

"Thank you"Kike said and went back to her room. She dialled the contact and after several rings Raphael picked the call

"Hello"he says

"Good evening,it's me Kike"Kike said

"Oh! How are you?"Raphael asked wondering why Kike is calling him

"I'm fine. Rose told me to help her to check on her sister in the hospital that she won't be going to the hospital this night, I did and I tried calling her so that she can talk with her sibling but she wasn't picking up my call. Up till now she's still not picking and I was wondering if you know her whereabout"Kike said

"I haven't talked to her since morning, I was extremely busy today but don't worry. I will try and reach her this night and get back to you"Raphael replied

"Okay, thank you"Kike said and dropped her phone and went to the sitting room

"Thank you so much. What should I prepare for you,it seems my sister is not coming any time soon"Kike said as soon as her eyes landed on Jide

"Noodles will be fine"Jide said and Kike nodded heading to the kitchen. She started gathering the ingredients, she wasn't aware Jide was standing behind her watching what she is doing, Jide saw the robe she's wearing and imagined removing it. He wondered what she have with Raphael and went inside the kitchen embracing Kike as if he was claiming his territory.

Kike went stiff immediately when she felt Jide hugging her from behind, she squeeze her eyes shut immediately. She felt Jide's breathe on her neck and tilted a little giving Jide more access to her neck, Jide kissed her neck and she stiffen a moan

She knew what's happening is wrong and the best thing to do is stopping Jide but she couldn't do it, her will power to stop him is so weak. Jide slowly pull the robe away, leaving more access to her neck. He kissed her neck down to her shoulder with Kike's eyes squeeze shut. He drew the robe down completely turning Kike around to meet his face, they watched eachother for awhile seeing the evidence of lust in their eyes. Jide pull Kike closer kissing her,Kike opened her mouth too Kissing him back and helped him out of his shirt. Jide carried her up and they went to the sitting room where they continued kissing and romancing each other's body. Kike helped Jide to pull his trouser down leaving him only clad in a boxer. Jide suddenly carried Kike unexpectedly making her squeal, he took her to his room and the throw her on the bed. He joined her immediately and started kissing he again, Kike hand was busy roaming around his body, Jide pull his boxer down revealing his man hood to Kike

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