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Moreni was done with work and decided to get some groceries from the mall. She went inside the mall and bought what she needed, feeling contented she left the mall thinking of taking a taxi to the house. She suddenly felt someone presence behind her and got angry,the person is intruding in her personal space

"You were never thought about personal space?"Moreni asked trying to turn when she felt something on her back

"I'm with a gun,if you try anything I will kill you right here. Just move and enter that car"The stranger said and Moreni got scared immediately " you fucking act like nothing is going on!" He said angrily on her ear. Moreni swallowed and started moving suddenly getting notice of the car in her front.

The car door suddenly opened and she went inside with the stranger entering inside too,she was so scared and the only thing she could do is breath in and out to prevent her from breaking down and crying her eyes out.

"I got no money!" She suddenly shouted and one of the men snorted

" Will you shut up?"he snarled

"Put her to sleep" the driver said and Moreni's heartbeat accelerated

"Please don't! Please!!"Her voice was muffled as an handkerchief was use to cover her mouth and nose. She tried not to breathe but she couldn't hold it in anymore and breath in. Few minutes later,she started feeling dizzy and her eyes was covered with black dots before complete darkness overcome her


As soon as Kike left the house Jide sighed rubbing his hands all over his face,he knew he is at fault about what happened between him and Kike. He should have stopped it,he shouldn't have slept with her but he couldn't control it. He have never felt so jealous in his life before,he wanted to mark his territory,a territory he doesn't own

He took his bath wearing a dark blue pant on a white T-shirt. He took his phone and suddenly realized that Moreni didn't spent the night at home. He was too preoccupied with Kike that he failed to realise Moreni didn't sleep at home,he dialled her contact immediately thrice but she wasn't picking. He thought maybe she slept over at her friend's place like she normally does. He decided to leave the house immediately before guilt swallow him up.


Raphael went cold as soon as he processed what Kike said

Nnenna is dead!

How is he going to tell Rose,how is he going to break the news that her sister she so much wanted to save gave up the ghost. He exhaled trying to calm himself down,he doesn't need to show how scared he is fretting Kike

I don't understand, what do you mean by she's dead?" Raphael asked his hand gripping the phone harder

"I don't know what happened, I came to the hospital and she look weak and before I knew it she was convulsing, I called the doctor, they tried their best but she gave up the ghost, I don't know how I'm going to say this to Rose, I'm so scared right now"Kike replied, he could hear the cry in her voice. It's breaking

" Calm down, I will be right there as soon as possible"Raphael said and ended the call. He breathe in trying to calm himself as soon as possible and end the meeting without annoying the CEO

He went back inside the conference room and gave the director a fake smile

"Hope all is well?" The director asked

"Everything is well. We should continue"Raphael and the director nodded before they continued the meeting.


As soon as the meeting ended Raphael walk out of the conference room and went over to meet his secretary immediately

"There's an emergency Tola,I'm leaving the company. I don't know when I will be back,if the CEO comes let's him know that"Raphael said

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