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"You said what?!" Mrs Rotimi shouted and started crying,the look on Mr Rotimi's face was priceless. He couldn't believe his two daughters

"How.... How.... How did Kike allow you to touch her?!" Mrs Rotimi shouted "how can you sleep with my daughter when you promised to marry another! Look at what you turn my Moreni into,look at what you did?!" Mrs Rotimi shouted holding Jide's shirt,Jide let him but his mom stood up to defend him,Jide signal her to let them be "I thought you're a good man,the way Moreni always talk about you but I don't know you're a pervert and sleep with anything on a skirt,how can you do this to my Moreni! Look at what you did to her! Look at how you destroy her life,I curse you Jide! I curse the day I set my eyes on you!"Mrs Rotimi shouted attracting attention in the hospital

" It's okay!" Mr Rotimi shouted shutting his wife up immediately,Mrs Rotimi fell on her husband and started crying profusely

"You destroyed my family! You destroyed my family with your prick! Turning two sisters against each other, making Moreni so bitter resulting to all this! You destroyed my daughters' life!"Mr Rotimi said calmly but dangerously " The wedding have been call off and you can keep Kike,a daughter of mine will never do what she did, she's not my daughter anymore"Mr Rotimi said and Mrs Rotimi stand straight immediately looking at her husband

"You can't say that my love,Kike is your daughter and will remain so" Mrs Rotimi said

" Not anymore,from today upward I seize to be her father. Tell her that when she wakes up"Mr Rotimi said and started walking out of the hospital,his wife ran after him and knelt on the floor begging him but he didn't answer,he tried walking away but his wife stopped him by holding his two legs

"You better let my legs go before I seize being your husband!" Mr Rotimi said and Mrs Rotimi let his legs go immediately,Mr Rotimi left the hospital. Mrs Rotimi stood up immediately and went to meet Jide

"Look at what you did to my family! You evil man! I curse you!" Mrs Rotimi shouted and Aunt Victoria got really annoyed

" Are you forgetting his mother is here with him? How dare you curse my son like that in my presence! I have been trying to keep it cool but I can't anymore..."Jide cut his mom short

" Mom!"Jide said and Aunt Victoria shot him an evil look

" If you don't let me talk Jide! If you interrupt me again!"Aunt Victoria said and Jide shut his mouth up immediately,he knew his mom is seriously angry and he doesn't want to get her angry the more

"You are here busy running your mouth and insulting my son! Did my son force your daughter to open her legs for him? It was a mutual agreement between the both of them,your daughter have so many fault like my son did. Moreni could have handled this in another way but she decided to kill her sister,how's that my son's fault? Ehhh?!"Aunt Victoria said angrily. Raphael went closer to her hugging her

"It's okay aunty,I should take you home" Raphael said and Aunt Victoria sniffed and started crying

" It hurts so much,she was busy insulting and cursing my boy" Aunt Victoria said

" It's okay let's go"Raphael said and look at Rose who stood up,she have went to Kike's room to check her. It seems as if she was sleeping, as if she's not in the verge of death. Raphael look at Mrs Rotimi and she took her eyes away immediately heading to Kike's room without talking. Raphael smiled at Jide before he took Aunt Victoria out of the hospital,Rose followed Raphael out of the hospital too after waving Jide good bye. As soon as they were out of sight Jide entered Kike's room and met Mrs Rotimi slowly patting her hair while crying,Mrs Rotimi turn to see Jide and frowned immediately,she stood up immediately leaving the room

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