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       Moreni came out of her room and met Kike typing on her phone,she snorted and walk over to meet her

"What are you doing?"Moreni asked

"Typing"Kike replied with a durhh tone

"Kike!"her sister warned

"Sis! I will be leaving the house. I have to meet up with Favour. My friend"Kike said and Moreni sighed looking at her warily

"When are you going back home?"Moreni asked

"Tomorrow by God's grace"Kike replied before going over to her room,she changed from the night gown she's wearing to a dark blue jeans trouser on a white t-shirt. She add some powder to her face before leaving the room

"Sister Moreni!"She called

"I'm in my room!"her sister shouted and she went over to meet her in her room,the room she shared with Jide. Kike had never entered the room before and she felt overwhelmed looking at the beautiful room

"Your room is beautiful"she couldn't help but comment

"All thanks to Jide"Moreni said smiling

"Okay. I will be going"Kike said and Moreni nodded

"If you come back home past six just go and look for a place to sleep. You know Jide is not around to bail you from me"Moreni said and Kike chuckled

"Aye aye Captain"Kike said before leaving the room. She took her small bag checking to make sure her phone is inside before walking out of the compound,she took a cab that took her to the front of the university

She came down from the cab paying the Cabman,she took her phone from her bag dialling Favour's contact

"Hello babe"she said as soon as Favour took the phone call

"Where are you?"Favour asked sounding very excited to hear Kike's voice

"I'm in the front of the university"Kike said and heard Favour sighed

"You should have called me first,we are not meeting in the university but my apartment"Favour said

"You have an apartment?"Kike asked surprised

"Yup! Just stay there I will come over and pick you up"Favour said and the call came to an end. Kike waited for close to thirty minutes before she saw Favour coming over to meet her,she feigned annoyance while Favour chuckled slightly

"You kept me waiting"Kike whined and Favour chuckled

"You should have called first"Favour replied

"You never told me you have an apartment,I thought you are staying in the school hostel"Kike said

"I just got the apartment,I only come here during the weekends"Favour said and Kike nodded following him. They took a bike that took them to Favour's apartment,the house is not that far from the school.

Favour opened the door and they went inside,Kike looked around the room. It's a one room self contain. She look at the small mounted television in the wall and smiled

"The apartment is very okay"Kike said and Favour smiled slyly. Kike sat on the bed and Favour did thesame sighing

"I didn't know the movie to buy. I just bought the descendants of the sun"Favour said and Kike smiled

"I don't mind. The gesture alone is okay for me"Kike said and Favour smiled standing up. He opened his mini fridge bringing out two soft drinks and popcorn. He turned the television on putting the disk in the DVD player,he sat on the bed spreading his legs wide for Kike to smuggle in. Kike chuckled shaking her head before doing that. Favour wrapped his hands around her. They stay quiet watching the television thesame time taking their junks.

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