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        The ride to Lagos was filled with excitement,Kike have never been to Lagos before,this is her first time visiting the city and her joy knew no bound. Her sister had called her earlier to tell her that Jide will be picking her up, she had a mixed feelings about that but she didn't let it bother her as far as she's finally going to see the beautiful city of Lagos.

The car came to a stop and everyone came out of the car,the driver went to open the boot for them to carry their bags,Kike took her bag and look around. She suddenly remembered she don't have Jide's contact,she called her sister immediately

"Hello sis"she said as soon as her sister picked her call

"What's up my dear?"her sister asked

"I just came down from the car and I remembered I don't have brother Jide's contact"Kike replied

"Okay,I will forward it to you immediately. Don't move an inch just stay there,he will come and pick you up right away"her sister said

"Okay sis"she replied and the call came to an end. Few minutes later her phone beeped indicating she's having a message,she unlocked her phone to meet her sister already sent her Jide's contact. She saved it immediately with brother Jide. She dialled the contact afterwards,few rings later Jide picked his phone

"Hello?"Jide said over the phone

"Hello brother Jide,I just came down from the car, I'm in the park right now"Kike said

"Okay, just wait for me I will come get you. I'm kinda close by"Jide said and the call came to an end.

Kike waited for thirty minutes already getting tired of waiting when she saw a familiar car parking in her front,the car door open with Jide coming outside. Kike gave him a once over and he was dressed in a black jeans on a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up

"I'm so sorry Kike, I have to get something from the supermarket and you know Lagos traffic is something else"Jide said and Kike smiled

"It's fine sir,no problem"Kike replied and took her bag with her,Jide open the car boot and she placed her bag before turning around to sit in the front passenger seat beside Jide. Jide ignited the car engines and they drive out of the park

"How was the journey?"Jide asked trying to have a normal conversation with Kike

"It was short but okay"Kike replied and Jide turn to see her smiling

"Your first time in Lagos?"Jide asked looking at Kike briefly

"Yes!"Kike replied and the rest of the drive was in silence.

Jide's car slow down as he honk on the car,the gate suddenly start opening and he ride inside exchanging greeting with the gateman ,Kike look around the enormous compound and fell in love with it immediately, outside of the house looks so beautiful. Jide killed the car engines opening the door,Kike did thesame and they came out of the car.

Jide open the car boot for Kike to carry her bag,she did that and followed Jide inside the house after he successfully opened the main door. Kike look around the sitting room and got awed at the sight,she was impressed with the way the sitting room was decorated

"Let me take you to your room"Jide said jolting Kike from her thoughts

"Okay sir"she replied and followed him,Jide opened a door to a room and she entered. She likes the room immediately

"This is your room,you're always welcome"Jide said and Kike smiled dropping her bag "Moreni prepared jollof rice before leaving the house this morning,I will warm up the rice while you can freshen up,that other door leads to the bathroom"Jide said the last part pointing to a door

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