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"Jide!" Moreni said and Jide smiled at her,Moreni was confused and slowly sit down on the chair opposite to the one Jide is in

"How are you doing?" Jide asked

"I'm fine" Moreni replied looking at Jide,she was expecting a smirk or any negative signs from him but got nothing "what about you?"

"I'm good" Jide replied scratching his left brow. They sat down quietly the two of them not knowing how to start a conversation,funny enough things have got so much awkward between them

"So.... Why are you here? You're the last person I expected to see"Moreni broke the silence

" Kike"Jide said and breathes out. Kike's name have become very heavy in his lips,it's been three weeks he last saw her or heard from her. This three weeks felt like three years for him "we talked and she asked me if I visited you for once and I said no,she said at least we owe each other a closure. I thought about it and it was true"

" Yeah,I was thinking about seeing you too"Moreni said and cracked her throat

" I'm sorry Moreni"Jide suddenly said and Moreni look up to see him,she saw the sincerity on his face "I was the one who asked you to be my girlfriend and then proceed to ask you to marry me,I shouldn't have done those things behind your back. Sleeping or having anything romantic with your sister"Jide said and Moreni's eyes fell on her fingers,she started playing with her fingers while trying to control her tears

"I'm not sorry for knowing Kike though, whatever I felt towards Kike is different from whatever I feel towards you,I only understand what love truly means when I met Kike,it all started from the first day I set my eyes on her. She didn't seduce me or anything,I approached her first. I'm only sorry for all the pains I caused you with my selfish acts"Jide said and Moreni chuckled

" Well I deserved it,I deserve those pains and more. I hold no grudges against you Jide,we shared a lot of memories together that I can never forget,I'm your first in a lot of things too and I know you can't forget me too. Whatever you think I hold against you don't think about it at all,I'm perfectly okay with you"Moreni said and Jide nodded chuckling silently

" We do have a lot of memories"Jide said and Moreni chuckled

" Remember the first time we kissed? How I was shocked it was your first kiss" Moreni said and Jide laughed shortly

" I was an introvert then you know,you were the wild and weird one" Jide said and Moreni chuckled

" You should be thankful I'm wild,I'm sure if not you wouldn't have ever had sex in your life"Moreni said and they both bursted into laughter

" Thank you"Jide suddenly said when they have calmed down "thank you for all those awesome memories"

"Thank you too. For the friendship and momentarily love,it worth a lot of good memories"Moreni said and Jide nodded. They sat quietly when Jide decided to break the silence

"I will be leaving the country tomorrow,I decided to see you for the last time before I leave. I'm going back to England"Jide said

" What? What about Kike?"Moreni asked

"We are not together, her choice though" Jide said forcing a smile

" When are you coming back?"Moreni asked

" I don't think I will ever step my legs in Nigeria again" Jide said and smiled,Moreni opened her mouth to talk but Jide beat her to it "don't worry about me okay? Just have a good life,I will try too"Jide said and stand up

" I wish you the best"Moreni said

" Me too"Jide said and stood up leaving the prison yard.


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