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         Jide woke up from his sleep and turn to see Kike sleeping gently by his side with her night gown slightly raised up to reveal her smooth thigh. He remembered what happened the previous night and stood up immediately running his hands on his face. He left the room quietly and went over to his room entering the bathroom,he run a cold shower on himself sighing remembering the conversation he had with Kike the previous night

"Are you sure?"Jide asked

"Yes, but this is going to be between us and we are going to forget it tomorrow's morning"Kike said and Jide sighed drawing her closer and breathing on her neck

"God! I'm trying to control myself,I don't want things going awkward between us"Jide breathes on Kike's ear and she clasped her legs together

"It won't"Kike breathes out and Jide lost the last ounce of control he had

"Arghhhhhhh!"he yelled hitting his hand on the wall,he wished he had control himself and he knew nothing can ever go normal between them. He finished having his bathe and left the bathroom going to his room,his phone beeped and he took it meeting a message from one of his colleagues

We are set to leave by 11am sir. Good morning

The message reads and Jide threw his phone on the bed,he got dressed in a black chinos trouser on a multicoloured shirt. He left the room heading to the kitchen when the main door suddenly opened revealing Moreni. Guilt ran through Jide remembering what he did with her sister the previous night. Moreni smiled awkwardly and Jide frowned remembering he was supposed to be angry with Moreni

"Good morning baby"Moreni greeted

"Morning"Jide replied monotonously

"I'm so sorry Jide. Please stop giving me the cold shoulder"Moreni said and Jide sighed

"I'm so angry at you, at what you did yesterday"Jide said and suddenly felt like an hypocrite knowing fully well if Moreni knew what happened with him and Kike she will surely end whatever they have. He decided to forgive her,he drew her closer hugging her and also sighing

"Have you forgiven me?"Moreni asked

"Don't ever do that again"Jide replied instead and Moreni smiled hugging Jide the more,she feel so lucky having someone has perfect as Jide in her life

"Let me prepare you breakfast"Moreni said and Jide nodded smiling "where is Kike?"Moreni suddenly asked and Jide heart skipped a bit

"She's in her room,still sleeping probably"Jide replied feeling guilt running over him again

"Okay"Moreni replied heading to the kitchen. Jide followed her and Moreni prepared breakfast while Jide just sat on the stool watching her,Moreni round up what she was doing and served Jide's breakfast in the dining room,she decided to go over and have her bathe.

Jide was silently eating and going through his phone thesame time when he felt a presence in the dining room,he look up to see Kike yawning still wearing the white nightgown she wore the previous night

"Good morning sir"She greeted and Jide look up to study her face,he was looking for anything awkward on her face but she look so normal as if nothing happened between them the previous night

"Good morning"Jide replied feeling very awkward and guilty thesame time

"Is my sister back?"Kike asked

"Yes,she went to take her bathe"Jide replied and Kike nodded turning to walk away, Jide suddenly felt like talking to her "Kike!"he called

"Yes?"Kike replied turning to look at him,Jide watched her face but was met with indifference,her face so plain

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