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JIDE ride out of the compound heading to the police station,he prayed silently hoping they will be able to find Moreni,he is scared thesame way Kike is but he can't let her see that or that will make everything worse. His life have been complicated lately and it seems it gets worst as the day goes by

Jide killed the ignition of his car engines coming out of the car, he looked at his car once more before heading inside the police station. He met a familiar figure and greeted politely. The police man is the one on Moreni's case

"Good morning sir" Jide greeted

"Good morning,I was planning on calling you. Let's go to my office"the police man said,Jide tagged along entering his office. He asked Jide to sit and he did just that

"Any news yet?" Jide asked eagerly

"Yes. We were able to trace her with her phone,her location is on and it won't be much of a trouble to get her"the police said and Jide couldn't hide his excitement,he felt a little calm than he have been lately

"So when did you plan on getting her?" Jide asked

"I'm sending my boys to investigate the area first, tomorrow by God's grace we should be able to get her"the police man said

" Okay,I will love to follow you that tomorrow if you don't mind"Jide said

" Of course not,I will let you know when we are ready" The police man said and Jide stood up

" Thank you so much"Jide said shaking the police man

"You're welcome" the police man said before Jide walked out of the police station.

Jide entered his car and rub his eyes with his fingers. He sat down blank having no single thoughts, he decided to head to work. He had some works he needs to get ready as soon as possible. He ignite the car engines and drive out of the police station. He suddenly stopped remembering Kike,he felt that she must be very scared of loosing her sister and also she has an exam the next day and she have to be in a good state of mind to write it.

He turned back heading to the house thinking about breaking the good news to her,he would give anything to see her smile and that's what he is going to do right now.

The ride to the house was shorter than Jide expected,he parked his car and came out of his car,he went closer to the door knocking but no one answered. He wondered maybe Kike is using the bathroom,he bring out his spare key and open the door entering the sitting room

He look at the center table and saw two glass cup filled with chivita drink. He wondered who is in the house,he went to check the kitchen but Kike wasn't there and got more confused,he decided to head to her room. He knocked on her door and no one answered,he decided to open the door and check if she's not around

Unfortunately for him,he pushed the door open and saw the scene he never think he will ever see,Kike was laying half naked in the bed with a guy on top of her, as soon as the door opened the boy had jumped from Kike's body sitting at the edge of the bed feeling very embarrassed,Jide narrowed his eyes on the guy and suddenly remembered him. He was the guy that Kike came to Lagos with and everything suddenly clicked,he is the suppose boyfriend of Kike

"Jide" Kike breathes out feeling too scared to talk, she's obviously shaking. Favour took his shirt immediately wearing it,he went closer to Kike kissing her forehead before leaving the room, Jide's eyes traced his figure, until he couldn't see him again. He turn and look at Kike who's already crying

"I'm sorry" Kike said and Jide's anger bubbled, he is never the jealous type but ever since he met Kike and admit to himself what he feels for her, he always feel protective and hate anyone touching her. Those things breaks his heart and right now is not even an excuse

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