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Kike have been in her room throughout the night,she felt so drain and don't even know what to do,she switched her phone on and immediately Rose call came in

"Kike! How are you?! I got your message but your phone was switched off throughout the day,you got me scared"Rose said and Kike sighed trying to fight back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes

"I didn't do it" Kike said and there was a long pause " I couldn't do it,when the doctor came closer I got scared,I got scared for my baby and there's this aura of protectiveness that entered me and I have to make for the run"Kike said sniffing,she heard Rose sigh

" You will be fine my dear, everything is just time. It only gets better"Rose said and Kike look up at the ceiling

" I hope so"Kike muttered but Rose heard

"Are you coming to school tomorrow?" Rose asked

" Yes,I got nothing to do at home"Kike replied

" Okay then,I will see you tomorrow"Rose said and the call came to an end. Kike was dropping her phone when her phone started ringing again,it was Favour this time around. She didn't want to pick it but decided against it later

"Hello" Kike heard Favour's voice and started crying again. What have she done? What have she done to herself and Favour!

"Hi" comes Kike's tiny voice

"Why will you break up with me like that? Why?" Favour asked and Kike sighed

" Let's talk tomorrow,okay? I will come over to your place" Kike said and was met with silence

" Okay then"Favour finally replied and the call came to an end. Kike stood up from her bed and went to the bathroom to have a cool shower before retiring for the night.


Moreni couldn't sleep,she kept on tossing and tossing throughout the night. She wanted to talk,she wanted to ask Jide how he ended up impregnating Kike while he have refused to sleep with her for over three months now but she couldn't do any of that. She cried throughout the night sleep totally denying her. She stood up from the bed after checking the time. It's 5:46am. She  went inside the bathroom and had a shower coming back to the room to dress up,she saw Jide still sleeping and contemplated waking him up and asking him what happened but she have to keep her cool,she have to wait and see Stella first before deciding on what to do. She left the room and went to the kitchen preparing herself tea and bread,she sat in the stool in the kitchen taking her breakfast. By the time she was done it's 6:38am. She went back inside the room to take her bag before heading to work,she met that Jide is already awake

"Good morning" Moreni greeted monotonously

"Morning"Jide's voice sounded worse. Moreni had expected Jide to notice the change in her mood but he didn't and that in its self is alarming. She took her bag and left the house before she breaks down and maybe saying things she shouldn't have.

Kike woke up exactly 8:00am she had difficulty in sleeping the previous night and all the fatigue weigh down together,she yawned and went to her bathroom performing her morning rituals. She left the bathroom heading to the kitchen and met Jide frying egg

"Good morning" Kike greeted. Jide turn to see her smiling

"Sit. I'm preparing breakfast for you" Jide said and Kike nodded sitting down. Jide placed the fried egg,tea and bread before her,she gave him a grateful smile before she started eating.

"Thank you" Jide suddenly said startling Kike

"What are you thanking me for?" Kike asked

"For not going through it"Jide said and Kike sighed

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