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Kike was finally done with her physical screening and sighed looking at Favour who chuckled quietly. The line was much and Kike felt like fainting several times before it finally reached her turn. She went over to meet Favour who was having a smug smile on his face

"Why didn't you warn me before hand"Kike said frowning and Favour chuckled

"What's the fun of it then"Favour replied and Kike felt like smacking his face with the bag she's holding "let's go on our date"

"Date?"Kike asked looking at Favour

"Yes date"Favour replied holding Kike's hand dragging her along

"How was the exam?"Kike asked

"It was okay"Favour replied and they slowly walk out of the school compound gisting about everything and nothing.

".... You know I found out my sister's Fiancé can draw,that man is so cool!"Kike suddenly said between laughter and Favour turn to look at her

"You sound like someone crushing"Favour said raising one of his brows. Kike frown brushing her shoulder with his,which barely happened because Favour is way taller than her

"Stop saying rubbish"Kike said and Favour chuckled. They went to cold stone and bought ice-cream, they sat down taking it quietly when Favour suddenly broke the silence

"How will it feel to kiss with cold lips?"Favour asked,Kike stopped what she was doing looking up

"I don't know you tell me"Kike said placing her palm on her cheek

"Or show you"Favour said having an evil smile on his face,Kike raise her brows questioning him when Favour did the unthinkable by kissing her. Kike kissed him back and they broke the kiss awhile later,the both of them heaving heavily

"How does it feel?"Favour asked

"That was sweet,I wasn't expecting something so intense"Kike replied chuckling and suddenly remembered they are in public,she squeeze her eyes shut immediately "don't tell me we kissed in public!"she whisper yelled making Favour to burst into laughter

"You didn't seem not to like it few minutes ago"Favour said and Kike huffed while Favour kept laughing.

They left the cold stone awhile later and went to the park,they look around having fun when Kike broke the silence

"We should go to Domino. I'm craving for pizza"Kike said and Favour nodded and they left the park. They got their pizza and went to the back of the building which is empty. They sat on the green grass eating their pizza when Kike suddenly broke the silence

"This is the best date I ever had"Kike said and Favour's smile grew wider

"Me too. I wish we can do this everyday"Favour said looking at the sky and Kike did thesame. Darkness had fallen and the sky was just illuminated by the light from the stars. The moon is nowhere sighted

"I think you're going to love our next date"Favour suddenly said and Kike look up at him

"What's that?"Kike asked

"We are going to have our own mini cinema watching Korean movies with a lot of junks"Favour said and Kike's eyes went wide

"Oh my! You didn't just said that!"Kike said excitedly

"I just did"Favour said smiling and Kike stood up bouncing on him for an hug,Favour chuckled and rolled them over. Kike laying on the grass and him above her but his weight carried by his left hand. He lean over kissing her,Kike didn't waste time wrapping her hands on his neck kissing him back.

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