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Kike went outside the gate waiting for Jide, she suddenly saw a familiar car coming which stopped at her side. She opened the car door and went inside, Jide revised the car and speed away without sparing Kike a look. Kike got scared busy playing with her fingers,she wasn't aware of where Jide was taking her to until they stopped near a lake with beautiful garden around. Jide came out first before Kike imitated him

"Uhmm"Kike said not knowing how to start a conversation with him

"Your sister sent you to me?"Jide asked tilting his head to one side and also furrowing his brows

"No no no! I was just trying to help"Kike replied immediately, Jide gave her a look of disbelief but he didn't press on any further

"Please listen to whatever she have to say. Anger can't solve problems, it only worsen it"Kike said and Jide look at the other side chuckling a bit, Kike amuses him

"What's that your own words or your sister's?"Jide asked and Kike got slightly angry

"I'm not that much of a kid to not know what I'm saying!"Kike voice got louder than she will appreciate. She look at Jide and sighed taking few steps away from him, she look at the lake and smiled. Such a beaut,she thought

"We have to go back. I need to study for my tomorrow's paper"Kike said turning around to look at Jide who nodded clenching his jaws "and also please give her a listening ears"Kike muttered the last part but Jide heard.

They head back to the car and entered,Jide ignited the car engines and ride out of the place.


Black had spent the night thinking about her manager's offer, she kept on tossing and tossing thinking about the dos and don'ts. Slowly before she knew it she fell asleep


Her ringing phone jolted her from her sleep, she lazily took her phone and met it was Raphael calling her, she had exchange contact with him the day he took her to the hospital. She hissed and silence the phone standing up from her bed. She checked the time and to her surprise it was after ten in the morning, she didn't know she had slept that much.

She headed to the bathroom and took a warm bath, she wore a black jeans and a black blue polo t-shirt taking her phone, she watched her phone warily before dialling her manager's contact

"Good morning sir"she said as soon as he picked the call, she heard him laugh and her body shivered with disgust

"You must have made up your mind"her manager said

"Yes. I agree with what you want"she says swallowing a lump in her throat, forcing herself not to break down and cry.

"That's so good of you. You're a wise girl"the manager said and chuckled "I will send the address of where we should me around noon"

"Okay sir"she said and the call ended. She wiped away the tears falling from her eyes with the back of her hand. She couldn't hold it in any longer and break down crying her eyes out

"Mum! Dad! Why did you do this to us? Why did you left us in this world to suffer,I'm just twenty one years old and here I am going through things a thirty years old wouldn't go through"She continue lamenting while crying, her phone started ringing again and she met it was Nnenna's. She picked the phone immediately

"Good morning sister"She heard her struggle to say

"Good morning, how's your health?"Black asked standing up immediately

"Chi! Calm down"Nnenna said chuckling which resulted to series of coughing

"Be careful"Black warned

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