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         Kike wasn't expecting the sudden rain, she ran as fast as she could to reach the house, It's a heavy rainfall. She suddenly reached the house and tried opening the door but she couldn't. She knocked hoping someone was there to open the door for her,lucky enough for her the door was suddenly opened revealing Jide, she muttered a thank you and rushed inside, she went straight to her room taking off her wet clothes, she went to the bathroom having a wet bath before coming out to wear a thick jogger and a hoodie. She was feeling cold and feverish and decided to take hot Lipton. She left her room going to the kitchen and met Jide there taking a drink from the fridge.

"Good evening"Kike greeted

"Good evening,how was school?"Jide asked

"It was fine"Kike replied hoping Jide will continue the discussion but to her dismay,Jide took his drink walking out of the kitchen. Kike couldn't hold in the silence treatment anymore and went to block his way from passing,Jide raise one of his brows why Kike's chest was busy rising and falling

"Why are you avoiding me?"Kike asked. She wanted her voice to come out strong but it sound like a whinny cat

"I'm not avoiding you. Can I pass?"Jide asked respectively

"No, we have to talk this out"Kike said and a treacherous tear escaped her eyes, Jide's heart broke into pieces when he saw how painful what he was doing was affecting Kike, he opened his mouth to talk when the main door suddenly opened bringing him back to his right senses, Jide simply walk out of the kitchen,Kike sniff unable to control the tears again letting them flow freely from her eyes. She put her water and Lipton on fire before leaving the kitchen

"How was work today?she heard Jide asking her sister and look at them, she saw how Jide's hand wrapped Moreni's with care and wished she was in same position. She shook her head and went closer to them

"Welcome sis"she said faking a smile

"Thanks, I bought us food. So no need of cooking, Kike set them on the dinning table"Moreni said handing over the food to Kike. Kike collected it and went to the dining room to set the food, it was jollof rice and goat meat pepper soup. Not after long Jide and Moreni joined her in the dining room, each of them sitting down. They were eating quietly when Moreni suddenly breaks the silence

"I talked to an event planner today, I heard she's one of the best in town"Moreni said at the same time Kike and Jide look at her, Kike quickly pretended going back to eat her meal while Jide replied

"That's good. How was the meeting?"Jide asked

"I just brief her that we will be getting married soon, she said we should both meet her in her office, she gave me her card"Moreni replied and Jide nodded

"I have a client I have to get his work ready, what about next week?"Jide asked

"I will tell her that"Moreni replied and continue taking her meal when her phone suddenly beeped. She took it and met a message from Timothy

I'm missing you

Moreni deleted it immediately and continue her meal, she was determined this time around. She's not going to let anything destroy her marriage with Jide not even her persistent ex.

"Raphael is opening his new house soon"Jide suddenly said breaking the silence

"You don't mean it, you never told me he's building a house"Moreni said smiling widely, obviously happy for Raphael

"He didn't want anyone to know. You should see the house, I was the one who draw the plan for him"Jide said chuckling softly

"Definitely I will, when is he opening the house?"Moreni asked

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