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The ride to Lagos finally came to an end,Jide took the bags inside. Moreni just followed going into the bathroom to have her bath. Jide quickly change his clothes grabbing his phone

"I will be going over to the family house!"Jide shouted for Moreni to hear before walking out of the house,he rode his car to his family house and the first person he saw is his mom talking with Raphael's mom

"Good morning ma'am"he greeted the both of them,his mom's face lit up when she saw her son. Raphael's mom Mrs Korede just patted his back

"How was the journey to Ibadan?"His mom asked

"It was okay"he replied and Kike's image flashed on his memory. He smiled at least he is many distance away from her and hopefully he can kill all those desires before she comes over for her physical screening

"Where's Raphael?"he suddenly asked

"He is inside"Mrs Korede replied and they walk inside the house. They went over to his uncle Mr Korede's room and met Raphael sitting beside his dad,Raphael look up to see him and smiled

"You came!"Raphael said and Jide nodded sitting on a chair beside the bed

"How's he doing?"Jide asked

"Good,he was talking before sleep took him"Raphael said and Jide nodded

"Come over let's eat!"they suddenly heard Aunt Miriam's voice. They all stood up heading to the dining room,aunt Miriam prepared yam porridge, Jide quickly grabbed a seat sitting down. He loves aunt Miriam's hot porridge. Aunt Miriam served them and they sat at the table eating silently

"So how is it?"Aunt Miriam asked eagerly looking at Jide. Jide chuckled

"It's superb as always,my wife have to come and learn from you"Jide said and Aunt Miriam's smile grew larger

"So because I can't cook your wife can't come and learn from me?"aunt Victoria Jide's mom asked and everyone chuckled. It's well known Aunt Victoria is a disaster in the kitchen

"Mom... I didn't say that"Jide said trying to hold in his laughter,he never mind his mom doesn't know how to cook. He always had aunt Miriam and Mrs Korede to get him what he wants in the kitchen

"Ok ooo..."Aunt Victoria stressed "ehen what about you Raphael,when did you plan on getting married you know you're not a kid anymore. You're thirty years now"Aunt Victoria asked and all attention fell on Raphael

"I haven't see any girl worth getting married to"Raphael replied and his mom snorted

"Or you're not into women? I haven't even see you introduce one person to me as your girlfriend"Mrs Korede said and Jide snickered. If only they knew the kind of person Raphael is

"Mom! I'm into women hundred percent and I have slept with them too"Raphael said frowning and Aunt Miriam eyes went wide

"So you're not even a virgin"Aunt Miriam joked and everyone bursted into laughter

"Grown up man a virgin,this one that have loose it since his teenage years"Aunt Victoria said and Jide laughed,he's really enjoying everything

"Abeg leave my baby alone. He is my last born in my male children"Mrs Korede cooed and everyone laughed

"Raphael the last born"Jide joked and Raphael frowned

"That's Sarah abeg,Sarah is the last born not me"Raphael said and started eating, while everyone continue making jest of him


"I always knew time like this will come"Raphael said breaking the silence,Jide who is on his phone turn to look at him. The dining is over and they're presently inside Raphael's room

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