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  Mrs Mathew is currently sitting in her office going through her laptop when her phone suddenly started ringing, she took the phone picking the call after confirming who was calling her

"Good afternoon madam"The caller said

"Good afternoon. Any news?"Mrs Mathew asked

"Yes. We spotted your husband paying for a room in five star hotel"

"In five star hotel? He only took his slut he really care about to such hotel,  confirmed the girl with him?"Mrs Mathew asked

"No but the source said a young girl was spotted entering the room twenty six minutes later he paid for the room"

"Hmm. Who is that girl?"Mrs Mathew asked

"No information on that ma'am"

"Please confirm as soon as possible and get back to me"Mrs Mathew said

"Okay Ma'am"the caller said and the call came to an end

"Hmm. I pity that lady, when I'm done with her she will know how to keep away from married men and for that silly husband of mine. Your slow death is in my hands"


"Will you stop it?!"Kike said and Favour raise his hands up immediately

"I'm sorry for trying to get intimate with my girlfriend"Favour said bitterly and Kike sighed

"You know I'm currently writing exams and I need no distractions. We can do whatever you want us to do when we get back to Ibadan"Kike said

"Okay I'm sorry"Favour said raising his hands up in surrender "I should be considerate"

"Thank you"Kike said thesame time her phone started ringing

"Hello babe"She said as soon as she picked the call after finding out it's Rose on the line

"I'm fine,can you please check on my sister for me before heading home. I'm not going to the hospital this night and I want to be sure she's alright,I'm sorry for asking too much"

"No problem, I'm totally okay with it. I will call you as soon as I get to her"Kike replied

"Thank you so much"Rose said and Kike smiled before the call came to an end

"Who's that?"Favour asked

"Rose,she wanted me to check on her younger sister in the hospital"Kike replied

"Oh she's still in the hospital?"Favour asked

"Yes"Kike replied before standing up

"I should get going, I still have to go and study when I reach the house today"Kike said

"Okay then"Favour said and stand up embracing Kike,he lean down and captured her lips, Kike kissed him back and the kiss lasted for almost five minutes before they pull away from eachother to catch their breathe

"I will call you"Favour said and Kike smiled before leaving


Kike took a taxi that took her to the hospital,she came down and paid for the taxi before going inside the hospital. As usual she met Nnenna and the twins in the room, Nnenna smiled after her eyes landed on Kike

"Good afternoon,how are you feeling?"Kike asked after the twins came over to hug her

"I'm feeling weak, I feel weaker"Nnenna said and Kike got worried

"Did you tell your sister or the doctor about it?"Kike asked

"I told the nurse that came to examine me not too long ago"Nnenna replied

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