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KIKE suddenly wake up from her sleep,she look at the time and it was exactly five o'clock in the morning,she yawn and tried standing up but Jide's hand was wrapped around her body. She gently take his hands away but that woke Jide up. Jide sat up immediately his mind clearly awake from the previous night drunken state.

Kike stood up from the bed wearing her clothes

"We did it again" Jide said and fell on the bed closing his eyes,he had little memory of what went down between him and Kike the previous night

"Don't beat yourself around it,I initiated it" Kike said and Jide open his eyes sitting up immediately

"Kike..." Kike cut him short

"And I swear to you that will be the last time" Kike said and sighed " when we were done last night and you fell asleep,I couldn't sleep and I started thinking about everything that's going on,I know for sure my sister is coming back home today and she's suppose to get her happily ever after soon"Kike stopped and look at Jide,she saw his eyes on her and decided to continue " I don't want to be the reason things didn't work out well for her,I know if my parents find this out they're going to disown me,it's not like the feelings I had for you died over night but there's something worths more than that,this"she pointed at the two of them" doesn't worth it at all. I just hope we can put this behind us and go back to what we are originally meant to be"Kike ended her short speech wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Jide sat speechless not knowing what to say

Kike cracks her throat before talking"I have my final exam today,I will prepare breakfast before leaving the house, hopefully my sister returns back home with you today"she left the room heading to her room immediately, immediately she shut the door,she fell on the floor bursting into tears

Jide sat up his hands going round his head thinking about what Kike said,she's right. Moreni doesn't deserve this and it's obvious they will never end up together so it doesn't worth it,the emotional stress doesn't worth it at all,like his mother usually say there's more to relationship than love,love is not enough to keep it going.

He took his phone dialling the police that's in Moreni's issue contact,the man picked it immediately

"Good morning sir" Jide said

"Good morning" the police replied

" I wanted to ask about my fiance's issue" Jide asked

"We will be leaving in less than an hour,you can come over"the police replied

" Thank you so much sir"Jide said and the call came to an end,he stood up immediately heading to the bathroom

After brushing his teeth and having a cool shower,he got dressed in a black pant and shirt,he applied his perfume and combed his hair,he took his wristwatch and gently put it in his hand. He took his car key and phone heading out of his room

He met Kike in the kitchen taking her breakfast,it's obvious she already took her bathe because she was dressed in a dark blue jeans trouser and a purple top. He entered the kitchen,Kike noticed an additional presence and turn her head to look at Jide

"I prepared you breakfast" Kike says

"Thank you,I'm in a hurry" Jide said taking a slice of bread leaving the kitchen. Kike rounded up her breakfast and took her bag leaving the house after making sure to lock it properly.


Kike took cab to the hospital, immediately she entered the school compound,she took her phone calling Rose

"Hey!" Rose said after picking the call

"Hi! Good morning" Kike said with a smile on her face

"Good morning,how was your night?" Rose asked Kike's smile flattered when she remembered her night

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