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           "Are you still sleeping?"Moreni asked her fiance who turned his back on her

"No! I'm awake"Jide said and smiled sitting up

"I thought you're still sleeping, sleepy head"Moreni said and Jide chuckled drawing her closer to his body

"Come lay with me"Jide said with his husky voice

"As tempting as it may sound but no! I got work to do"Moreni said smiling

"Okay then"Jide said sitting up. "I have to meet Raphael anyways"

"Send my greetings"Moreni said wearing her earrings "I love you"she said bending over to give Jide a simple kiss who pull her down giving her a mind blowing kiss

"I'm really turned on right now"Jide whispered on Moreni's ear

"Keep your junior in your boxer"Moreni said laughing while standing up "we will see in the evening"

"You're no fun!"Jide said and Moreni chuckled

"Oh I forgot to tell you, my little sister called yesterday telling me she gained admission into university of Lagos"Moreni suddenly changed the topic

"That's great,what course?"Jide asked

"Nursing science"Moreni said smiling proudly

"Good! I can't wait to meet my babe's little sister. Do she look like you?"Jide asked and Moreni chuckled

"We don't look anything alike"Moreni chuckled "she's brown skinned I'm fair in complexion, she's slim I'm thick, she have an oval shaped face I have round face, we totally don't look alike"Moreni said chuckling

"Ok ma'am"Jide said smiling

"Let me show you her picture,she sent me her pictures on WhatsApp yesterday's night"Moreni said checking for her phone. She found it and suddenly her phone start ringing

"What's up babe"she said as soon as she picked the call

"I'm fine, the manager is looking for you"Sola said and Moreni's eyes went wide

"I will be there in a few"Moreni said and the call came to an end

"What is it?"Jide asked

"The manager! He is looking for me and I'm late!"Moreni said "can I borrow your car to work? I will be delayed further if I want to go and take taxi"

"No problem"Jide said throwing his car key at Moreni who caught it up with ease

"Bye love!"Moreni said before rushing out of the house.

Jide sighed rubbing his hand on his face, he took his phone dialling Raphael's contact

"What's up bro?"Jide said

"I'm not fine"Raphael said and Jide got worried

"What's wrong?"Jide asked

"My dad's sickness got worst, Christian just called to inform me they have taken him to the hospital, I want to head there right now"Raphael said. Christian is Raphael's elder brother

"Okay, I will meet you at the hospital right away"Jide said standing up

"Okay, your mom is here"Raphael said before the call came to an end.

Korede Raphael Tunde is Jide's cousin brother and best friend,Raphael use to live in Anambra state owing his own boutique shop,tragedy happened and he lost everything he had to fire which made him to come back to Lagos living with his parent. He started from the scratch again and luckily for him he got employed in one of the well known companies in Lagos.

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