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Moreni smiled at her dad before leaving the provision store, she chuckled thinking about how her dad said she's back to Ibadan again to steal his provisions. Where as she's always sending her dad money to fill the provision store. That's fathers for you.

"Agape"she suddenly heard a familiar voice and look up to see the last person she wants to set her eyes on

"Timothy!"she said frowning while Timothy chuckled

"You haven't changed over the years"Timothy said while Moreni gave him a once over

"Neither do you,you still look as ugly as before"Moreni said and Timothy chuckled darkly going closer to her,he whispered on her ear

"That's how ugly I was back then but made you moan my name,made your toes curl up in the world of ecstacy while your body writhe under me,do you still remember how it feels to have my hands on you or how it feels to have my finger playing inside you"Timothy said and Moreni pushed him away

"Get away from me,I swear I mean it"Moreni said and Timothy chuckled

"This is just the beginning Agape"Timothy said "what are you doing in Ibadan? I thought you live in Lagos now"Timothy spatted

"I'm here with my fiancé,more reason to let me be"Moreni said and Timothy bursted into laughter

"Fiancé? Does he know you're a murderer?!"Timothy said and Moreni's eyes went wide looking around to make sure that no one heard him

"Will you bring your voice down!"Moreni said frustratedly "I thought we are over this"

"We are over nothing!"Timothy spat

"It's so sickening to see how hung up in the past you're"Moreni said shaking her head "what's your deal with me?"

"To see you suffer"Timothy said without missing a beat

"I'd love to see you try"Moreni said before walking away. She tried pretending to be strong willing her legs not to shake. She thought about some mistake young people do and more reasons Kike will be living with her while studying. She finally arrived at the house and went inside her room to meet Jide laying on the bed. She carefully dropped the polythene bag she's holding

"How's your dad?"Jide asked while sitting down

"He's fine"Moreni replied climbing the bed. She wrapped her hands around Jide immediately sinking her head on his chest

"What's wrong babe?"Jide asked

"I just want to feel you"Moreni murmured while Jide absentmindedly pat her back. "I love you Jide. I love you so much"Moreni suddenly said and guilt ate Jide up. He knows he isn't supposed to be hurting Moreni knowingly or unknowingly to her, she have been a good woman to him. Instead of replying because he doesn't have the guts to. He raise her head up giving her a deep kiss to show how sorry he is.

"When are we going back to Lagos?"Jide asked breaking the silence

"I was thinking we should meet my aunt tomorrow maybe we can next tomorrow. Any call at work?"Moreni asked and Jide cracked his throat ready to lie

"Yes. My attention is needed"Jide said

"Oh okay. We can leave tomorrow after seeing my aunt. I'm sure my parents will understand"Moreni said and Jide smiled

"Okay that will be good"Jide said.


"Have you taken drugs?"Kike asked Favour over the phone

"No,I'm planning on going to the school clinic later"Favour said and Kike frown

"It's past six in the evening which time will you head to the school clinic?"Kike asked

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