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KIKE sighed as she entered the house, she dropped her bag on top of the bed, she took off her clothes entering the bathroom. She on the shower and started bathing a very cool water to calm down her nerves, she suddenly remembered how she acted when she found out Rose is a stripper, her heart got tight with a knot knowing she's guilty of something too, maybe being a stripper is way better than sleeping with her sister's Fiance.

She finished having her bath and left the bathroom wearing her night gown, her phone suddenly started ringing and she picked her phone, she met it's Jide calling her and her heart skipped a bit, she had an internal prayer hoping nothing happened to her sister

"Hello" she said after picking up the call

" Hi Kike, thank God we found your sister and she's currently in the hospital"Jide said and Kike's nerve calmed a bit

" Hope she doesn't have any complicated issues?" Kike asked

"Of course not, the doctor said her body is weak due to she haven't been eating properly, she will be discharged by the end of the day"Jide said

" Okay, I'm coming right away"Kike said

" Please prepare her something to eat before coming"Jide says

" Okay"Kike replied and the call came to an end, she stood up from her bed immediately rushing to the kitchen. She look at the available food in the kitchen and decided to boil rice since there's stew in the house.

Forty minutes later, she was done with her cooking and change from a night gown to a short multicolored straight gown. She took the lunch pack she put all the food in and left the house, making sure to lock the door before leaving the compound

She took a taxi that took her to the hospital, Jide had sent the location to her via text message, she entered the hospital and luckily for her, she saw Jide in the lobby

"Good afternoon" Kike greeted

"Good afternoon, she's awake"Jide replied and Kike nodded following Jide to her sister's ward

" Kike! "Moreni said as soon as she set her eyes on Kike, Kike ran over to meet her hugging her in the bed

"Sister! I missed you so much, I was so scared nothing bad happened to you"

"All thanks to God, Jide and the policemen saved me at the right time"Moreni said and Kike smiled, Kike turn over to see Jide muttering a thank you, Jide smiled.

"How have you been? How's school?" Moreni asked sitting up in the bed

" Been fine, school also is fine. You should eat, I brought you rice and stew"Kike said bending to take the food, she handed it to Moreni who gave her a grateful smile before she started eating

"I heard you're leaving the hospital today" Kike said

" Yes"


Rose left the school compound not sure how she's going to talk to Kike without feeling awkward, she sighed and enter a taxi that took her back to Raphael's house. She wants to go back to her house but it seems Raphael wants her over at his place, he is too kind to her and that itself is scary, she's not use to people showing her so much affection since the day the lost her parents but it's obvious Raphael is adamant about her past, her flaws. She knows she's suppose to be grateful but she's just too scared of relying on anyone, people can change at any time and she's not ready for that change. She knows if she let Raphael in fully and things get messed up later, she might never heal from the heart break.

She entered inside the house with the spare key Raphael gave her, she look around and there wasn't anyone at home, Raphael had dropped the twins in their school earlier in the morning when he was on his way to his work.

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