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Kike woke up from sleep and suddenly felt ill,she rushed out of her room heading to the bathroom,she vomited all her guts out and sat on the floor heaving heavily,she suddenly felt better and think maybe her stomach wasn't comfortable with what she ate last night. Her phone suddenly started ringing. She stood up from the floor and head to her room taking her phone,it was her sister calling her

"Good morning sisi" Kike said after picking up the call

" Good morning Kike. I'm just missing you here,I am going to shop for my wedding gown today and it's only Stella here with me. I wish you're around"Moreni said and Kike smiled sadly

" Don't worry I will be there before you know it,I will help you with the rest of the preparations"Kike replied and Moreni chuckled

" I'm so happy Kike, my dream is coming to pass. I have selected the aso-ebi you and mummy is going to wear. They will send it down to ibadan soon"Moreni said

" Okay sis."Kike replied and the call came to an end. Kike sighed and dropped her phone on her bed and went outside. She met her mother in the kitchen boiling water

"You almost slept throughout all the morning" Mrs Rotimi said. Kike yawned and went to the sitting room to check the time. It was after eleven in the morning, her eyes went wide before she joined her mother in the kitchen

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Kike asked

"You seem tired in your sleep and I decided to let you be"Mrs Rotimi said and Kike rolled her eyes

" Thank you maami,I have to go and take my bath. I promise Favour I will go over to his side today. I have to greet his parents"Kike says

" Okay dear,before you go make sure you eat first"Mrs Rotimi said

" Sure mummy!"Kike replied and left the kitchen. She went back to her room and took her bathe. She came out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue jeans on a white buttoned up shirt,she went to the kitchen to take tea and bread.

After taking time to prepare the tea,the smell suddenly started irritating her and she poured it in the zinc immediately,she washed the cup and kept it back on its rightful place hopefully her mom wouldn't notice. She left the kitchen taking her phone,she called Favour afterwards

"Hello babe" Favour said after picking her call

"Hey! I woke up  late and I just took my bathe,hope you're not angry and also is your parents still at home?"Kike asked

" Yes,my mom is at home but my dad isn't"Favour replied

" Okay then,I am coming right away"Kike said and took her small purse,she ended the call and kept her phone inside with some cash before leaving the house. She took a bike that took her to Favour's place. His house isn't that far,before she knew it she was already there. She came down from the bike and paid the bike man before going closer to the house,she knocked on the door and Favour came to open the door. Immediately Favour's eyes landed on her his smile grew wider,his smile was contagious because Kike found herself smiling too.

She went inside the house and suddenly saw Favour's mom taking her bag and dropping her phone inside hastiliy

"Good afternoon ma'am" Kike greeted

"Good afternoon my dear,Favour told me you're back from school,I'm sorry I'm in haste now,I have someone to attend to"Favour's mom says

" Okay no problem ma, I will come over next time to spend quality time with you"Kike replied and Favour's mom smiled gratefully

" You're such a sweetheart my dear" the woman said before rushing out of the house. Favour turn to look at Kike smiling sheepishly

"You should have told me she's about going out" Kike said narrowing her eyes at him

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