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  ROSE hugged her brothers checking to see if they're alright and kissed the top of their head. She took them inside the room Raphael had prepared for them. In less than ten minutes they were already asleep. Rose sighed and stood up leaving the room with Raphael tailing after her,she sat in the sofa hugging her legs when Raphael sat on the sofa next to her. Rose sniffed and started crying again,it obvious Nnenna's death had hit her more than he expected,she's her sister after all

"Rose" Raphael called and Rose gaze at him smiling sadly

"We lost our parents six years ago" Rose said and Raphael raise his head to see her face

" You don't have to do this" Raphael said giving her a sympathetic look

"I want to and please don't give me that look" Rose said squeezing her eyes shut,she sniffed before opening her eyes

"I'm sorry" Raphael muttered,Rose ignored him

"My parents use to be one of the big people in Lagos,my dad was also a chief in my village. We were living happily and I was about writing WAEC,NECO and SAT. I always wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to be a nephrologist because a friend of mine had a kidney disease and we lost her. I was in JSS2 then. Her death was the first death that really shook me"Rose stopped wiping the uncontrollable tears with the back of her hand

"I went to the best school then and because Nnenna is always sick she did more of home schooling,she got tired of home schooling and begged my parents to let her go to normal school,after so much begging from the both of us. My parent agreed and she started going to normal school,she was in JSS3 then and also the twins were just a year and some months One day.."Rose stopped trying to control her tears

" Nnenna and I were done with school and we waited for our driver to pick us up but we didn't see him. After standing over an hour we decided to walk back home. We met a lot of people in the compound and I got scared immediately, I practically ran inside and met my uncles and aunts in the living room"Rose said and broke down crying, Raphael came closer to her immediately hugging her

"You don't have to continue" Raphael said but Rose nodded no

" I want to let this out of my chest" Rose said and Raphael nodded resuming his former position

"I asked my uncles and aunts what was wrong and they told me my parents died in a car accident, I broke down crying and Nnenna too who heard what they said broke down and started crying. They promised they were going to take care of us and I believed. My parents were buried a week later, my siblings and I went to live with one of my uncles as requested by him. Initially he was nice to us and I started writing my WAEC. After all the exams he changed, he started raping me and tell me If I told anyone he will kill me. I'm just fifteen for God's sake"Rose said and bursted into tears. Raphael held her hands kissing them

"It didn't stop there too, his son who is my cousin. He was twenty years old then, he came back from school and started raping me too. He promised to deal with me if anyone knows about it. After sometime I got tired and ran to my other uncles and aunts. They said they can't help me and can't take me in. They sold all my parents property and shared the money between them without giving us nothing."Rose said and wiped her tears smiling sadly

" I got tired I got really tired and I was almost sixteen then, my uncle didn't plan on me furthering my education, so I took a very big risky step by running away from the house with my siblings. I already stole his money and rented an apartment, no one came looking for us and then I realise how useless we are in front of the people we called family"Rose said and rest her head on the sofa

"Nnenna's health got worst and the money I stole was almost finished, I decided to look for work so that atleast we can eat. I became a waiter in one restaurant, the pay wasn't enough because Nnenna is always going in and out of the hospital and I needed money to pay those bills. So one day I met Gold when she came to buy something from the restaurant, she's a regular customer. I told her about how the work is not okay for me and introduce me to the strippers world. Initially I wasn't okay with it but with time I get use to it and started paying Nnenna's hospital bills, I enrolled the twins in a school. I needed more money and started taking extras too, I sleep with men who were ready to pay more and that made me to be able to cover up for all my bills. I remembered I always wanted to go to school, I can't go for nephrology any longer and decided to go for nursing a course I can finish in time. I stopped taking extras too, when Nnenna find out about it. She was so angry and I have to stop it"Rose said and smiled sadly

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