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Kike woke up feeling light headed. She can't believe her time spent at home is over and it's time to resume her new school,she yawn and took her phone placed beside her on the bed checking the time. She saw it was already 8:00am and stood up stretching her body like a wild cat. She left her room going over to the bathroom to have a nice shower,she wore a black jeans on an orange coloured top. She left her room and went to the sitting room to meet her mom setting breakfast on the dining room. She smiled remembering how her mom have been over pampering her for the last few days probably because she's about leaving home for a long time

"Is everything ready?"her mother asked and she nodded going closer to her

"Yes mummy. Good morning"she greeted and her mom returned her greeting with a smile. They sat down and ate quietly shortly after her dad joined them after returning from his shop. Kike round up her breakfast and went inside to drag her bags out. She was going to leave the city with Favour.

It doesn't take too long for Favour to come over to her compound,his dad had drove him to the compound. Favour's dad open his car booth and Kike took her bag inside with the help of Favour.

"Thank you"Kike muttered and Favour smiled

"Thank you so much sir"Mrs Rotimi suddenly said to Favour's dad and the man smiled

"You're welcome"the man replied. Kike went over to her dad hugging him. Her dad prayed for her and gave her words of advice. Mrs Rotimi decided to follow them to the park. They entered Favour's dad car and rode to the park.

"Please keep an eye on her for me"Mrs Rotimi pleads with Favour who only chuckled

"Okay ma'am. No problem"Favour replied. They entered the car awhile later leaving their families behind.

Kike look back to see as the city pass in a blur,she sighed and rested her head on Favour's shoulder. Favour slowly patted her back and slowly she fell asleep.


Kike suddenly jolted sitting up immediately,she saw her phone ringing and took it. It was her sister calling her

"Hello"she said with her sleepy voice

"Where are you?"Moreni asked and Kike look around looking at Favour

"Tell her we will be dropping soon. We are near to the park"Favour muttered and Kike repeated thesame thing

"You should wait for me. I will come and pick you up"Moreni said

"Okay"Kike replied and the call came to an end "I can't believe I slept throughout the journey"Kike suddenly muttered and Favour chuckled

"You seem tired that's why I didn't bother waking you up"Favour said and Kike nodded.

In less than thirty minutes time,the bus suddenly stopped at the garage and they all came down. Favour helped Kike to pull out her bag,they went over to buy a chill soft drink when Kike's phone suddenly started ringing. She took her phone and met her sister calling her

"Where are you?!"Moreni asked

"I'm near"She replied ending the call. She look around and saw her sister. "That's my sister over there she's waiting for me"Kike said and they walk over to meet her.

Kike's step slow down when her eyes landed on Jide. She haven't planned on how she was going to act when she see him again,she suddenly started missing him and shook her head focusing her gaze on something else

"Kikelomo!"Her sister called her full name and she smiled walking over to hug her "how are you doing?"her sister asked

"I'm fine sis"she replied and turn to look at Jide whose eyes were on her,she swallowed and look away

My Sister's Fiancé✓Where stories live. Discover now