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          Jide was feeling sleepy with his head frequent lolling backward. He tried opening his eyes to no avail hearing the voices of his co-workers,the work have been so tiring and telling on him that he needed sleep so much. He couldn't wait for the journey to come to an end  and sleep in his giant bed. His phone suddenly started ringing waking him up from his slumber. He took his phone immediately meeting it was Raphael calling him

"Hello what's up?!"he said in a husky and tired voice

"Are you sleeping?"Raphael asked

"Hmm"Jide replied resting his head on the car's headrest.

"I wanted to let you know Monica is here in Lagos"Raphael said and Jide sat up immediately

"Are you serious?!"Jide asked with his voice very cleared off from the sleep

"Yes. With her son and the baby daddy"Raphael said and Jide mouthed a 'wow'

"Thank God nothing happened to her,at least she's back and healthy and that's the most important thing. I'm as dead as a log right now. I will come over in the evening"Jide said and Raphael chuckles

"Take your time"Raphael says

"How's uncle?"Jide asked

"Good"Raphael replied dismissively. "What about your babe's younger sister?"Raphael suddenly asked in a cheerful voice

Bipolar much!

Jide thought

"Get out of my phone"Jide said and Raphael bursted into laughter

"What are you not telling me?"Raphael asked and Jide ended the call. He unconsciously smiled thinking about how annoying Raphael can be sometimes. His mind wandered to Kike and hopeful thought about not meeting her anymore but deep down he wants to see her again


Jide knocked on the door shortly after Moreni opened it,her smile grew wider when her eyes landed on Jide

"I've missed you!"Moreni cried and Jide chuckled pulling her into an hug

"I've missed you so much my love. How have you been?"Jide asked entering the house

"Pathetic without you"Moreni replied and Jide chuckled "go freshen up lemme set your food"

"I feel like going to bed straight up"Jide said chuckling lightly

"No can't do. Go freshen up,eat then sleep"Moreni said and Jide chuckled having a sly grin on his face. He pull Moreni closer kissing her breathlessly

"I missed this"Moreni said and Jide laughed out loud this time around

"Where is Kike?"Jide suddenly asked

"She left day before yesterday. She's in Ibadan right now"Moreni said and Jide nodded feeling kind of disappointed

"Okay,I will go freshen up"Jide said before walking away. Jide went inside his room sighing,he removed his shirt throwing it on the bed and went inside the bathroom.

He ran the shower washing the stress away from his body,he suddenly squeeze his eyes shut remembering Kike's face,the way she use to laugh when she's excited,her shock expression,her little cute frown and all. He shook his head willing the thought away,he just don't understand why he is so attracted to her.

He finished having his bathe and wore a multicoloured short on a dark green shirt,he went to the kitchen to meet Moreni trying to get his dish ready

"Thank you"Jide said and Moreni turn smiling. He took his dish going over to the dining room,Moreni followed him with a glass of fruit juice. They sat quietly while Jide ate his food which is jollof rice and beans

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