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   RAPHAEL had finished dressing up for work,he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast which comprises of hot tea and bread with egg sauce. He contemplated in waking up Rose and the twins to come and eat breakfast,he also understand that they might be very tired after everything that have happened. So he sat down quietly in the kitchen taking his breakfast. He finished in time and stood up washing the dishes. He was busy wiping his hand with a napkin when he felt someone's presence,he turned to see Rose clad on his shirt yawning. His eyes trailed up from her head to her beautiful legs that are on display,he swallowed and cursed himself for having a naughty thoughts

"Good morning"Rose greeted

"Good morning,how was your night?"Raphael asked

" It was okay,yours?"Rose asked

" Very okay,I was planning on serving you breakfast in bed and you just ruined the plan"Raphael said and Rose chuckled shortly

" I was already up,sorry for that" Rose said

"It's okay,what about the twins?" Raphael asked

"They're still sleeping. We will leave when they wake up. Thanks for letting us sleep here last night"Rose said and Raphael frowned

"Going where?"Raphael asked

" Home,my place"Rose answered getting a little confused

" What about Nnenna?" Raphael asked

"I have no family to call or run to. We have no choice but to bury her"Rose said looking away, trying very hard not to start crying again

"Church members?" Raphael asked

"I don't go to church" Rose said and Raphael nodded

" Okay then,we got no choice but to bury her. May her soul rest in peace"Raphael said

" I pray so"Rose says " i should probably get ready and head home"

" Well Rose"Raphael called and Rose turn to look at him "well I was thinking you guys can actually move here,the place is better than the ghetto and also for the twins. They should live in a safe place"

"I really appreciate everything you have done for us but I can't. I can't live here,we will cope I'm sure"Rose said and Raphael sighed

" Can you wait until Nnenna is buried?"Raphael asked

" I'm sorry I can't,I have to get everything together and I still have one more paper to write. See Raphael you're the best person I ever met since I lost my parents,you have showered me unconditionally love but just because you do doesn't mean I should take it for granted"Rose said and went closer to Raphael " we will be in touch definitely" she added and Raphael watched her warily then his eyes travelled to her lips. He drew her closer kissing her,Rose kissed him back. He carried her sitting her down on the kitchen island,Rose wrapped her legs around Raphael kissing her with same energy when they suddenly heard noise and unentangled immediately

"Chi!" Ifeanna one of the twins called

"I'm here" Rose said climbing down from the kitchen island

" We are hungry"they said simultaneously

"Lemme get you both breakfast then. Freshen up in the bathroom and come back"Rose said and the twins smiled widely before running away to freshen up. Rose quickly took the kettle trying to heat water when Raphael suddenly wraps his hands around her from behind,Rose stood without moving,he kissed her neck before leaving the kitchen. Rose sighed


"Are you going to work?" Kike asked. She just woke up from sleep and went to the kitchen to get water when she met Jide taking his breakfast

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