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Kikelomo's POV

"Arghhhhh!" I groan as I look at the sky,the sky is been unusual sunny today,I checked my time again already tired of the day's work. Today have been hectic,the hospital perform two main surgeries and I have been there for both. All that occupied my mind is going back home having my bath and sleeping for complete twenty four hours. I suddenly heard my phone ringing and took it from my bag, it was no any other person but my best friend.

"Elo babe!" Rose said after I picked the call,I chuckled shaking my head thinking about how playful she can be

"What's it again?" I teased as if I'm tired of her calls

"Mumu!" She insults me "we didn't talk yesterday"

"So?" I stressed yawning. I am so tired and can't wait to see the comfort of my bed

"God! You're so annoying!" Rose said and I chuckled.

" I'm tired,I just finished my shift I need to go and sleep"I said and heard Rose sighed

" Okay then,we will talk later and send my greetings to Jide" Rose said and I chuckled. The call came to an end and I place my phone back on my bag. I came out of the hospital only to see a familiar car. Jide have been coming to pick me up from work for awhile now. I smiled and went closer to his car entering it. I wonder how he always make time to pick me up when he works in a big architectural committee

"Babe" Jide said and move closer kissing me,I kissed him back and he smiled breaking the kiss,he push my seat down making me to lay flat on it

"You look tired,sleep for awhile" Jide said and I smiled closing my eyes. I never knew I was that tired until I closed my eyes,sleep took me immediately

"Babe!" I heard Jide's faint voice and slowly opened my eyes. I rubbed them with my hands looking at him,Jide didn't ride me back to my apartment but to his house

"What am I doing here?" I asked but he choose to ignore the question. He came over to my side opening the car door and carrying me up,I chuckled feeling ticklish

"Drop me down! I can walk" I said but Jide nodded no taking me inside

He took me straight to his bed laying me down,he helped me out of my heels massaging my toes. I closed my eyes as the sensation hits me and slowly feeling relaxed. When he was sure he have done enough job on my legs,he started massaging my shoulder and I felt the tension leaving my body. After architecture the next thing Jide is good at is giving a good massage. I felt so sleepy and he noticed leaving me to sleep. It didn't take awhile for me to go back to the dream world again


I woke up with the aroma of jollof rice,I stood up from the bed feeling very energised,I wasn't as weak as I was before I fell asleep. The door suddenly opened and Jide came inside with a tray of food. I smiled as Jide placed the tray beside me on the bed

"Let me feed you" Jide said and I chuckled shaking my head no "let me do it,I'm not complaining" he said and took a spoonful of the jollof rice,I opened my mouth as he feeds me and giving me orange juice at some interval

"You treat me like a baby" I said and Jide chuckled

" Because you're my baby, you're a dream come true" Jide said and I sighed. He dropped the tray on top of the cupboard beside the bed,he moved closer to me holding my hands

"You know when I left Nigeria,I thought it's almost impossible for me to see you again,I thought everything came to an end but it didn't, God use Monica to get us back together like the way he used Moreni to make us meet each other. I love you so much Kike and I want to be by your side in both good times and bad times"Jide said and I smiled getting all emotional,I cupped his face swallowing the lump growing in my throat

"We might have met in the wrong or worst circumstances but what I feel for you overcome all those things,when I saw you with that lady months ago I knew I wouldn't have ever been okay again if I loose you and I was willing to give you another chance because we have spent too many years apart and I can't handle that anymore. I love you so much Jide,I love you more than life itself and me without you is like being colorblind,not able to see the beauty and diversity of this world. You're my colors,the light in my life and the only man my heart will always race for. I'm ready to go on this train with you too,when we make mistakes we should be able to correct each other and hold each other's hands to the end. I promise you Jide,I'm not running anymore. I'm done running away from you"I said and couldn't control the tears, everything I said came straight from my heart

Jide got emotional too and sniffed as a tear escaped his eyes,he drew me closer and kissed me,I kissed him back and he deepen the kiss. His left hand was on my neck and the other on breast slowly massaging it,I sink my hands into his silky hair pulling him down with me on the bed

He helped me out of my dress and i helped him out of his shirt my hands going through his abs,I missed this body so much. He kissed my chest and I knew I'm not going back anywhere and I wouldn't love to go anywhere

I know things can never go smoothly always but I have made a decision, a strong determination to stay by his side no matter what happens,we are just getting there but I know we will surely do with time and I love the fact Jide is taking his time with me.

I know y'all will be thinking about marriage but we are taking everything slow,Jide is giving me all the time I need in this world and I love it. Properly having him as my man is all I want

I could still remember the first time I saw him and how I admired him,I never knew we will end up like this but one thing is sure I'm loving every bit of it and I wouldn't give this up for anything in this world


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