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Kike squinted as the early morning sun hits her eyes, she slowly groan and opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar room and suddenly got aware she's naked, she felt someone stir beside and turn to see Jide sleeping beside her naked too. Her heartbeat increased immediately, she quickly stand up and pain shot through the middle through the middle of her legs, she took her t-shirt wearing it immediately running out of the room. She went to her room and locked the door before she slumped on the floor crying

She use her palm to cover her mouth immediately trying to hold in her cries,she can't believe she lost her virginity to her sister's Fiance, she didn't know what came over her the previous night that had led to that. She cried for some minutes before wiping her face up with the back of her hand, she went inside the bathroom and had a bath. She took the nearest cloth to her which is a short gown wearing it. She's hungry and can't ignore the call of her stomach anymore, she left the room and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

She was looking through the food items in the kitchen thinking of what to do and get her stomach filled when she suddenly felt someone's presence, she turned and saw Jide standing at the kitchen door yawning, he was finally clad on a short and singlet.

Kike avoid his gaze immediately feeling very embarrassed and shy. She decided to prepare noodles.

"Good morning" Jide greeted

"Morning" Kike replied monotonously

"How was your night?" Jide asked but Kike choose to ignore him, she took a clean pot and put a desired amount of water on it before lightening the gas

"Are you ignoring me now?" Jide asked

"Can you not talk to me?" Kike asked trying to hold in the threatening tears from falling from her eyes.

"What did I do?!" Jide asked getting confused. This isn't what he was expecting from her after spending the night with her

"Whatever happened yesterday's night shouldn't have happened, I don't know what came over me that made me do such thing and right now I hate myself so much and I don't want to talk about it or talk to you"Kike said and Jide held her hand, she look away immediately and started crying all over again.

"Look at me!" Jide demanded, Kike didn't complied and squeeze her eyes shut as she started hiccuping "can you  look at me?! " Jide demanded again but Kike choose to ignore again. He sighed and tried talking when Kike's phone suddenly started ringing. Jide's hold on her hand weakened and she went to take her phone.

"Hello" she said after picking the call

"Good morning Kike, I'm so sorry for disturbing you" Raphael said and Kike suddenly remembered she wasn't able to talk to Rose the previous day, she internally cursed herself for being a bad friend

"Where you able to get to Rose?, I should have called back yesterday's night"Kike said and heard Raphael sighed

" Yes I was able to get to her yesterday, she was badly injured and went unconscious, she's in the hospital right now. I can't give enough details right but please, I need you to check up on Nnenna"Raphael said

" Oh my God!"Kike said her hand covering her mouth immediately "I will get to the hospital as soon as possible"

" Thank you"Raphael said and the call ended

" What's that?"Jide asked but Kike decided to give him the silent treatment, she added to the noodles she wants to prepare before and put it on fire. As soon as the noodles was ready, she fried some eggs and kept everything inside a cooler. She took her purse and put some cash and her phone inside it,she left the house immediately heading to the hospital.

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