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Four Years Ago

Moreni was busy pressing her phone,she was chatting with her boyfriend Timothy who was busy showing her the baby crib he went to buy,Moreni chuckled replying his message

"Who is making you laugh like this?" Titi, Moreni's friend asked

" Who else apart from Timothy,he went to buy baby's crib while we are planning our wedding"Moreni replied smiling

" It's not a bad thing,since you're pregnant. I'm sure it's part of the reasons he wants to hasten the marriage"Titi replied

" Yes it's part of it,see I'm tired of shopping. I want to eat"Moreni said and Titi chuckled

" The way you eat nowadays ehh,you can't even have enough patient to finish shopping for your marriage dresses"Titi said

" Abegi! Stomach before anything else"Moreni replied and Titi chuckled entangling her left hand with Moreni. They're presently in the mall and decided to check the other sector to buy food.

Titi and Moreni sat down waiting for the waiter to serve them when a guy suddenly entered the eatery,Moreni raise up her head from her phone and saw the guy coming inside. She became dumbstruck looking at the guy from head to know

"Titi! Titi! See that guy that's coming" Moreni said and Titi turn to look too

" Damn! Are you sure this guy is from Nigeria? So handsome,tall,dark skin. Common look at his beards,so silky"Titi  said and Moreni nodded

" He knows how to dress too" Moreni added

"His girlfriend must be very lucky" Titi said and Moreni felt her heart clenched at the fact that he might have a girlfriend

"I'm crushing on him seriously" Moreni said and Titi bursted into laughter

" Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! I hope you don't forget that there's Timothy waiting for you,a marriage coming on its way and a baby too"Titi said and Moreni sighed,she decided to drop the topic immediately

"What else do we need to get?" Moreni asked

" Hm, let's finish eating first"Titi replied and they continue eating,Titi's phone started ringing,she excused herself. Immediately she was out of sight,Moreni stood up and followed the path the guy that interests her followed, she was busy looking around when her eyes landed on him, she doesn't need too much stress to find him,he is very tall and can easily be seen among the crowd. Moreni stand thinking about what she can do to make him notice her. She started walking towards him,on nearing him stylishly hits her body on him and dropped her phone on the floor.

The man turned and saw Moreni kneeling to pick up her phone

"I'm so sorry,hope the screen didn't break" he said looking genuinely worried

" It's okay, just a scratch"Moreni replied smiling,his voice alone is a big turn on for her

"I should get it fixed then"

"No,you shouldn't bother. It's okay"Moreni says

"Okay,thank you Miss..."

" Morenikeji,you can call me Moreni"Moreni replied and the handsome man smiled. Moreni fell for his smile

"Okay, thanks Moreni"

"What's your name?" Moreni asked

"Jide" Jide replied

"Nice of you,you don't mind sharing your contact with me,do you?" Moreni said

"Of course not"Jide replied and they exchange contacts

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