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Kike woke up hearing noises,she got confused and stood up leaving her room immediately,she was able to hear the voice clearer and it was obvious her sister and Jide were arguing,she got scared immediately thinking her sister might have caught them doing things forbidden between them. She suddenly heard the door open abruptly with Jide coming out not even sparing her a glance,he took his car key and left the house. Kike stood stationary at where she is wondering what was happening,she had never witnessed the two fight. Her hands started shaking when she saw her sister coming out of the room they shared,her heart was in her throat

"Where is he?"Moreni asked sighing

"He left with his car key"Kike said giving her sister a scrutinizing gaze. Moreni who wasn't aware of how shakenned she is sighed sitting on one of the sofas

"What happened?"Kike asked

"We had arguments about our wedding"Moreni said shrugging nonchalantly, Kike have grew over the years to know the kind of person her sister is,it's obvious she's quite not okay

"What happened?"Kike asked

"I always brush the wedding thought away whenever he talks about it,we are in no haste. So he said he's never asking me about it anymore"Moreni said

"Sister! Why will you do that to a man?! Someone who is ready to spend the rest of his life with you and someone you obviously love too!"Kike said and Moreni gave her don't you dare look. Moreni stood up and went to her room locking the door. She couldn't pretend any longer and fell on the floor crying her eyes out. She knows she can't continue like this,she can't continue sleeping with Timothy because of him blackmailing her. She have to set everything right and make her relationship wholesome like the way it was before

She wiped her tears taking her phone to dial Timothy's contact.

"Hello babe!"Timothy said as soon as he picked the call

"We need to talk"Moreni said going straight to the point

"We are talking"Timothy replied using a durhh tone

"I need to see you physically,this is a long talk"Moreni said stubbornly

"Yeah yeah yeah! We see in the evening,I'm at work"Timothy said

"Better!"Moreni said ending the call.


Kike stood close to thirty minutes not understanding what's going on or what's running on her sister's mind,she knows her sister loves Jide a lot,she witness all the beautiful gazes she shower on him,no sane woman will not see Jide as an eye candy. She sighed thinking of getting back to her room,she doesn't have classes until 11am. She suddenly saw her sister coming out of the room with her bag and already dressed for the office

"I'm going to work. Get yourself breakfast"Moreni said and walk away without sparing Kike her glance. Kike sighed and went to the kitchen preparing noodles for herself,she came back to sit down in her comfort zone and ate peacefully.


Anger! Nothing was enough to justify for all Jide felt,he was so angry at Moreni that the only way he could control his anger is walking out of the house,he doesn't know if Moreni loves him anymore. He just don't understand why Moreni loves pushing the wedding preparations away,he doesn't know if she don't want the wedding anymore. He doesn't even know what he felt for her sister and there's a lot of things he doesn't know that's complicating his life. He groan and parked his car at the parking lot of his company. He came down from it heading to his office,his workers were busy greeting him but he looks too angry to reply any. He went straight to his office and sat down angrily thinking about lots of things and nothing, trying to justify for what Moreni is currently doing to him.

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