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Moreni  was done for the day, she left her office hoping on catching a taxi that will take her home. As soon as she was out of the company's building, she saw Timothy standing with his back on a car. Moreni frowned immediately and decided to ignore him

Timothy didn't take that lightly and grabbed her hand before she could walk away

"Get your hands off me, you know we are in public"Moreni said and Timothy chuckled

"You have been ignoring my messages"Timothy said and Moreni's frown got deeper

"That's because I have nothing to discuss with you"Moreni retorted

"How's the wedding preparations going?"Timothy asked

"As smoothly as ever, now can you let my hand go"Moreni said and Timothy let go of her hand

"I'm still not okay with this Agape, I'm serious. I want you back in my life, if it's marriage you want. I will give it to you"Timothy said and Moreni laughed mockingly

"What's there you don't understand,the part I said I don't love you anymore or the part I said I don't need you in my life. Ain't you tired of blackmailing me?"Moreni shouted shutting Timothy up

She saw a taxi coming and stopped it, entering without sparing Timothy a look.

The ride to the house was filled with thoughts, she was so confused and also she think about getting married to Jide as soon as possible. She decided to talk to Jide about fixing a date for the wedding


"Are you going home for the holiday?"Favour asked. Kike is presently in Favour's apartment going through her book. Her first paper is coming soon and she needs no distractions

"Yes. I miss my mom and dad, this have been the highest I have gone without seeing them"Kike replied

"I'm going home too and that will be great"Favour said and Kike muttered a small 'ok'

Favour stood up from the bed and went to where Kike is sitting down, he carried her up and Kike squealed

He kissed Kike and tried getting intimate with her, Kike slowly pushed him

"I'm not in the mood"Kike said sitting up

"You're not always in the mood"Favour said bitterly

"Hey! I'm sorry okay. It just the way I am right now"Kike said and Favour nodded standing up heading to the bathroom. Kike sighed and slumped on the bed thinking about how it have become difficult for her to let Favour touch her, it irritates her and only Jide's touch her body wants and understand. She sighed again because she knew she is in a big mess.


Jide was done with the day's work, he decided to head over to Raphael's house when he suddenly had a call.

"Hello maami!"he says after picking the call. It was his mom calling him

"Congratulations o! Lola just gave birth"His mom said

"Seriously?! That's a good news"Jide said and his mom chuckled

"You should call her and your aunty too"His mom said

"I will do just that right now"Jide said and the call came to an end. He dialled Lola's contact immediately

"Mother of three!"Jide joked as soon as Lola picked the call

"It would have been mother of two except for the fact there's already a twins before"Lola joked and Jide chuckled

"My mom just called me and said you gave birth, how are you? Hope you're healthy?"Jide asked

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