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         "Hope you're feeling comfortable?"Jide asked and Kike chuckled

"Yes I am"Kike replied and Jide went to sit on one of the sofas

"you don't mind joining me?"Jide asked and Kike went to sit down on the sofa facing his.

"Are you not going to work?"Kike suddenly asked

"I'm the boss,I take a day off whenever I feel like"Jide replied and Kike almost rolled her eyes

"You're not showing a good example to the rest of the workers"Kike said and Jide chuckled

"I can work from home too"Jide said and Kike snorted unconsciously

"What do you do anyways?"Kike asked

"I'm an architect"Jide said smiling while Kike just nodded her head

"Why don't you tell me more about you"Jide said and Kike sighed

"There's nothing to talk about me. I just have a boring growing up life and if you want me to talk about me, I'd end up telling you about me and Favour"Kike said and Jide chuckled

"Okay twenty questions?"Jide asked and Kike nodded

"Full name?"Kike asked

"Tokunbo Jide Israel"Jide replied "favourite colour?"

"Yellow"Kike replied and Jide made a disgusting face making Kike to burst into laughter "okay... What you love doing?"Kike asked after her laughter died down

"Drawing"Jide replied and Kike's face lit up

"Really? So you can draw me?"Kike asked excitedly and Jide nodded "wow! I want you to draw me"

"Don't worry,I will do that but not today"Jide said and Kike smiled happily "favourite person?"Jide asked

"Apart from my family definitely Favour"Kike said chuckling and Jide mood soured but he tried hiding it

"Cool"Jide said forcing a smile out. Kike sighed and relaxed on the chair closing her eyes

"You won't be a bad brother in-law"Kike said and Jide turn to look at her,he only hopes she don't remind him of that. Jide chuckled quietly

"What are you good at?"Jide asked

"Dancing"Kike said shrugging

"I would love to see you dance"Jide said and Kike furrowed her brows

"That's inappropriate"Kike replied making Jide to chuckle

"Relax! It's not like we are doing something bad. Just a dance and I will have you as my model, I can bring my collections for you to see"Jide said and Kike's eyes lit up. She stood up immediately grabbing Jide's hand,Jide furrowed his brows looking confused

"I'm not dancing alone"Kike said and Jide chuckled standing up. They played a cool song in the nineties. Jide placed his hands on Kike's waist while Kike placed her's on his shoulder. She chuckled at their position before the two of them started moving. Kike started giggling when she found out Jide is not a good dancer

"Hey! Don't laugh at me"Jide said frustratedly making Kike to laugh out the more

"You're so bad at dancing"Kike said giggling again

"At least I'm good at drawing"Jide said smirking making Kike to giggle. The both of them lost in the moment forgetting their position in each other's life,they dance to three more music before the dance came to an end.

With their breathes heavy and breathing in sync,Jide look at Kike's face,her eyes closed and her lips slightly pouting. He slowly raise his hand up rubbing smoothing on her cheeks. She opened her eyes mesmerized by just looking at Jide. She couldn't complain the rational part of her brain quash to a mess. She open her mouth slightly to breathe in fresh air when Jide suddenly lean forward. Her mushed brain started working immediately and slightly pushed him away,Jide realised what he almost done and curse himself quietly. He look at Kike awkwardly who crack her throat

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