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One thing Moreni failed to know is Stella is a very smart lady, though Stella gets scared easily but she's very smart

"I will go inside and get dressed" Stella said and Moreni eyes were on her ringing phone "won't you pick it?" Stella asked

"I should" Moreni said absentmindedly. Stella nodded entering her room. Moreni watched her ringing phone and sighed before picking it

"Where are you?!" He heard Jide's voice immediately she picked the call

"I went out,what's wrong?" Moreni replied nonchalantly hoping her voice sounds carefree

"Kike is in the hospital" Jide said

"What?! What happened?!" Moreni asked feigning ignorance

"Seems she's poisoned. You should come over immediately,I called your mom" Jide said and Moreni's mind fled at hearing Jide said he called his mom

"I will be there soon" Moreni replied dejectedly and the call came to an end,Moreni stood up and sighed wiping the remnants of the tears in her eyes

"Stella" she called. Stella came to the sitting room this time around clad on a black jogger and a t-shirt "I will be going to the hospital and I'm going to pretend as if I knew nothing about what's going on,if you try anything funny know you're coming down with me"Moreni said and Stella nodded acting scared "Good!" Moreni said picking her purse,she put her phone inside leaving the house.

Immediately she left Stella breath out a breathe of relief,she went inside her room taking her phone immediately while her hands shakes vigorously. She went through her contact list and was happy that she still have Jide's contact. She have saved his contact once when she went out on a date with Jide and Moreni,when they were so in love with each other. She dialled Jide's contact immediately and waited for him to pick the call but he wasn't,she kept on calling him hoping he will pick the call before Moreni reaches the hospital, awhile later when she's almost giving up Jide picked the call

"Hello" she heard Jide's voice and she breathes out a sigh of relief


Jide hugged his mom immediately he set his eyes on her

"What happened Jide? I got so scared please talk to me" Aunt Victoria said

" Mom it's a long story and please don't shout when I talk" Jide said and Aunt Victoria nodded " Morenikeji's younger sister was poisoned in the house, she's currently inside the hospital battling for her life"

" What?! Who poisoned her?! How?"Aunt Victoria asked getting scared

" I think it's Morenikeji,I'm not sure" Jide said and Aunt Victoria gave him a confusing look

" How can you say that to your wife to be"Aunt Victoria said and Jide sighed

" She's not my wife mom! I'm calling off the wedding when everything is over"Jide said

" What happened?"Aunt Victoria asked

" Moreni is not an ideal woman mom, she's not who I thought she is and apart from that I got Kike pregnant and I'm sure she got to know about it and decided to have her revenge through this"Jide says

" Who is Kike?"Aunt Victoria asked

" Morenikeji's younger sister" Jide replied waiting for his mother to shout or insult him but he was met with silence

"When did you start following women?" Aunt Victoria asked quietly

" I love her mom but that's not the situation at the moment,I need your support and I just pray she survives this,I don't care if she looses the pregnancy I just want her back on her feet"Jide said and his mom hugs him

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