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Kike yawned louder than she would have loved, she just finished writing a test and it was really tough. She decided to rest in the hostel as usual before heading home, she was about leaving the test venue when she saw Rose coming out of the test hall holding the test question going through it.

"Rose"she called. Rose look up to see her and smiled jogging to meet her

"How was the test?"Rose asked

"It was.... I don't even know"Kike replied and Rose smiled

"It will be fine"Rose said and Kike nodded, they started walking towards the hostel, immediately they entered the hostel they sighed and both laid on their bed.

"Oh God!"they both said it together at once loudly after awhile of absolute silence. They both chuckled

"That's funny"Rose said

"Very funny"Kike replied

"Are you hungry?"Rose asked

"Yes"Kike replied, Rose stood up and went to put water on fire

"I have stew. Let's just boil rice"Rose said and Kike nodded

"Why don't you usually sleep in the hostel?"Rose suddenly asked breaking the silence

"I'm living with my sister and her fiancé, my parents wouldn't let me stay in the hostel. They aren't even aware I got an hostel space"Kike replied and Rose nodded

"Okay"Rose said and went back to lay on her bed

"Twenty questions?"Kike asked. Rose was quiet for some time before she finally replied

"Okay. It will kill the boredom before the rice get ready"Rose replied. Kike came down from her bed immediately sitting across Rose

"Which state are you from?"Kike asked

"Abia"Rose replied

"Igbo girl!"Kike joked and Rose chuckled

"Hobbies?"Rose asked

"Watching Korean movies"Kike said and Rose chuckled

"Are you living with your parents here in Lagos?"Kike asked and everywhere went quiet.

"I lost my parents"Rose replied

"Oh my! I'm so sorry"Kike said feeling bad immediately

"It's fine, it's over five years now I think. I live with my siblings here in Lagos"Rose said and Kike nodded, intentionally not asking any further questions

"Your favourite colour?"Kike asked

"Black"Rose replied and Kike chuckled

"Everyone or almost everybody like black, to me black is not really a colour"Kike replied

"I don't know but I do know I'm a black person"Rose said and Kike raise her hands up in surrender

"That's cool"Kike replied smiling

"I should check on the food"Rose said excusing herself. Kike lay down on the bed sighing, thinking about Jide. She just hate the way he always manage to crawl up to her mind and how she can't fight it makes her angry the more


Jide was busy going through a client work in his office when he suddenly heard a knock.

"Come in!"He said his gaze still lingering on his work

"Babe?"He heard Moreni's voice and lifted up his head. He smiled while Moreni entered the office

"What a surprise visit"Jide said chuckling,Moreni walk up to meet him and hugged him and shared a short kiss

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