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"Kike! Kike!" She heard her mom call her name,Kike just finished vomiting her breakfast in the bathroom,she wiped her mouth and joined her mother in the kitchen

"Where were you since?" Mrs Rotimi asked

" I was using the bathroom"Kike replied

" Anyways your sister talked about sending some items to her,she said she needs it immediately. Since you're resuming school this coming Monday,I see no reason you can't go back to Lagos tomorrow and give her those things"Mrs Rotimi said and Kike's heart jumped to her throat, she's dreading the moment to see Jide. She don't know how she's going to break the news to him,she don't know how he is going to react too,oh God! She doesn't even want to know how her sister will react when she finds out too

"Kike! Are you even listening to me?" Mrs Rotimi shouts

"Yes mummy,I heard you"Kike replied " can I go inside my room,I'm having slight headache"

"I have been watching you for days now,you look pale and sick. Hope you're not pregnant?"Mrs Rotimi asked narrowing her eyes at Kike

" Me no o! I'm not pregnant!" Kike quickly replied,her mom shook her head and shoo her away with her hand. Kike went back to her room,she made sure she locked the door before slumping on her bed, her phone started ringing. She turn taking her phone and met it's Rose. After the last time she talked to her,letting her know she's pregnant and Rose advising her to let Jide know about it before taking any decisions had made Kike to stop taking her calls,she had decided to abort the pregnancy without anyone knowing about it. Her phone kept on ringing and she suddenly decided to take the call

"Hello" she said after picking up the call

"I thought you will never talk to me again,don't tell me you have terminated the pregnancy already"Rose said and Kike sighed

" I haven't if not my mom will notice,she's already suspecting me to be pregnant already"Kike say sounding tired

" Have you talk to Jide about it,he is the father you know and he has all right to know about it first before you take any decision"Rose said and Kike sighed rubbing her temples

" You told me this the last time we talked" Kike says

"That's why you stopped picking my calls,you know I'm right Kike,Jide is supposed to know about his child"Rose says

" Stop calling it his child!"Kike shouted

" Then it's whose?"Rose asked and Kike sighed

" Well I'm coming back to Lagos tomorrow" Kike says

"That's good, you can start thinking about how you will talk to him about it"Rose says

" I'm scared Rose,I'm so scared about anyone finding out. I don't want to be a reason my sister looses her man"Kike says and there was a long pause

" We will see tomorrow"Rose says

" Okay"Kike replied and the call came to an end. She fell on the floor and started crying,she knows she can't blame anyone for the condition she is in except herself. She brought this upon herself and she have to solve her problem herself too


"Hope my things are safe in the car?" Moreni asked Kike over the phone

" Yes sister"Kike replied

"I will be expecting you soon then,though I'm going over to work now. I will see you in the evening"Moreni says

" Okay"Kike said and the call ended

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