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          "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry!"Kike repeated bringing Jide from his trance. He look at Kike feeling confused "I shouldn't have been asking you that. God! What's wrong with me. I'm so sorry sir. Please don't be offended" Kike rambled and Jide understand while Kike thought he's angry,he had stall without replying her and now she thinks he is angry

"Hey! It's okay"Jide managed to breath out. Kike stood up immediately, brushing away the dirt in her night gown

"I will be going inside"Kike said making for a run while Jide stopped her by holding her hand. Kike turned and their eyes locked,non of the two move while their heart beats faster. It's obvious the awkwardness is so thick that a knife could cut through. Jide slowly move his hand from Kike's making sure to brush through her skin. He did it purposely. Kike noticed his hand running down her hand and stopped breathing going rigid

"I'm not offended,you can sit. It's nice having a normal talk with someone much younger"Jide said and suddenly realised what he had done. He wanted to stay away from Kike but he hasn't even try or maybe he tried but his body always act on their own accord.

"Are you sure?"Kike asked looking into his eyes. The moon illuminating his face adding more beauty to it, his face became sharper and his beards glisten under the moonlight. His face alone under the moonlight is enough to get a poet to write a poem. Epitome of beauty

"Uhmmm! Whatever you like"Jide said heightening the tension in the air. He isn't even sure how to act in front of Kike,the girl have consume all his thoughts and he is getting married soon? To her sister? He must be mad. That's the right answer to all this.

"I think I should get inside"Kike said with a small voice "it's nice talking to you. You're not bad"Kike said the last part smiling, Jide's breathe caught up on his throat. Did she just smiled under the moonlight? What can he say. This is beauty at its finest

"Okay. Good night"Jide said giving her a small smile. Kike nodded before going inside

Jide remain outside and look around breathing in fresh air. He close his eyes momentarily before deciding to go inside, at least Moreni should be calm by now. He stepped inside the room and met Moreni sleeping with dry tears on her cheeks. He lay beside her wiping the tears away. He kissed her forehead before deciding to retire for the night. He will have an healthy talk with her tomorrow on their way back to Lagos.


It felt like in a blink of an eye,the sun rises from it's horizon, Kike stood up to do her chores while as usual her dad left to check on his provision store. Jide went inside the bathroom to have his bath and came out to meet Moreni is already awake,she was sitting on the beds are legs sprawled

"Good morning"Jide said and went closer to kiss her forehead. Moreni sighed and looked up Jide,even the sleep wasn't able to make her feel any better

"How was your night?"Moreni asked groggily

"I should be asking you that"Jide said giving Moreni a pointy look,Moreni look away "we will talk about this on our way"Jide added giving no room for arguement. Moreni sighed again standing up heading to the bathroom.

Jide got dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans trouser and a pink button up shirt. He combed his hair spraying his perfume on his body. He gathered him and Moreni's bag arranging it. Moreni came outside of the bathroom and got dressed in a dark blue floral gown that stopped beneath her knees.

They suddenly heard a knock on the door and Moreni said. "Come in" the door opened revealing Kike who is only on her night gown with her hair looking like a bird nest. Even though she look unpresentable Jide still find himself been attracted to how she looks,it seems no matter what Kike pulls off it always amazes him

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