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Raphael watched Jide warily before sighing rubbing his temples

"Do you still love Moreni?"Raphael asked,silence ensued

"I don't know man"Jide broke the silence awhile later

"What about her sister?"Raphael asked

"Love is a strong word. I don't know either"Jide said and Raphael shakes his head

"You know what man,I can't tell you what to do or what not to do. Though I will give you one advice, follow your head instead of your heart. That organ doesn't know how to do shit except pumping blood"Raphael said making Jide to chuckle

"Thanks man! I appreciate"Jide said and Raphael gave him a bro shake. "Are you heading to the club tonight?"

"Yes and no"Raphael said and Jide give him 'what the fuck' look "I'm not going to the club we normally go to. I'm going to the strippers club"

"That's definitely not my thing"Jide said shuddering "what do you like about that?"

"You won't understand"Raphael said smiling as his mind took him to Black

"Is that love in your eyes?!"Jide asked his eyes going wide

"You must be kidding me"Raphael said and stood up patting Jide's back "you should head back home,it's late"

"Thanks"Jide said before Raphael walk out of his office. Jide checked the time and it was past six. He decided to go through his client work in the house and started packing his stuffs

He left the office awhile later, heading to his house. He killed the ignition of his car when he entered his compound,he knocked on the door and tried opening it. Luckily enough for him, the door wasn't locked. He went inside to see Kike rushing over to get the door

"I forgot to lock the door again"Kike murmured but he heard,he chuckles making Kike to smile "good evening, welcome"

"Good evening. How was class today?"Jide asked

"It was fine"Kike replied and turned trying to head back to her room when Jide's voice stopped her

"Where is Moreni?"Jide asked thesame time his eyes saw the hickey on Kike's neck,his chest clenched immediately

"Oh she's not back"Kike replied smiling

"What happened to your neck?"Jide asked,Kike suddenly remembered Favour left hickeys on her neck and she failed to cover it up

"Nothing"she replied

"Is that not hickey?"Jide asked raising one his brows up. He look obviously pissed making Kike to get pissed too

"And so?"she asked shocking Jide,Jide was expecting her to continue denying it

"Is that what you're supposed to say?"Jide felt more hurt than angry. He can feel his heart breaking into pieces

"You're forgetting you have a fiancé thesame way I have a boyfriend"Kike said leaving Jide speechless, Kike suddenly realised she have talked too much and tried to apologize but Jide beat her to it

"You know what,you are right. And I'm the stupid one here,I shouldn't have started whatever happens and I think it's best we go back to original what we were meant to be. You being my fiancée's younger sister,focus on your boyfriend while I focus on my wife to be"Jide said and walk away. Kike's legs felt weak immediately and she fell on the floor,her heart breaking into pieces.


Jide went to his room wiping away an angry tear,he can't believe he shed a tear for any girl. He hardly cry or shed tears,he took off his shirt and went to the bathroom to have his bathe. He thought about what happened awhile and decided it's for the best. Maybe this is all he needs to get his head back in order.

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