Chapter twenty one - Blurring the lines

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I felt the brisk air against my face as I walked down the footpath. I'd been walking for what felt like hours with no idea where I was headed. The heatwave we'd been having had seemed to let up and there was a slight chill in the air. I pulled my sweater tight against my chest as I rounded the corner and took in my surroundings. I looked at the familiar buildings and realised I wasn't far from Josh's house. I picked up my pace as I continued down the road, clutching my shoulder at the dull ache as his house came into view.

I hesitated before plucking up the courage to ring the bell. I prayed he was home, I didn't know where else to go right now and Josh had always made me feel safe. I heard the jangle of the lock and the door opened revealing a surprised Josh staring back at me.

"Alex, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting up" he asked me concerned whilst pulling the door open for me to come in.

"I just needed to get away, sorry I know I shouldn't be here" I stumbled over my words, half regretting my decision to come here.

"No don't be silly, come on let's go to my room" he led me down the hall to his room. I sat on the bed taking in the familiar scene. He took a seat on his desk chair and eyed me wearily.

"Is everything okay?" He asked cautiously

"No" was all I could manage not wanting to elaborate on my sudden need to run away. He noted my pained expression.

"It's okay, we don't have to talk about it" he soothed and shot me a sympathetic smile. I nodded and felt a tear escape which I quickly brushed away with the back of my hand.

"Can I stay here, just for tonight. I know it's a bit awkward but-" he raised his hand to silence me before I could finish.

"You don't need to explain. Of course you can stay. Anything you need Alex"

"Thank you, I know I don't deserve your kindness but I honestly don't know what I'd do without you Josh" I offered him a weak smile.

"Come on Al, don't get all mushy on me. How about we chill out with a movie, take your mind off things?" He shot me his signature boyish grin I used to love and I knew he was trying his best to cheer me up.

"That sounds perfect" I smiled back at him feeling myself relax slightly.

"How about you pick the film and I'll go and make us some popcorn, I'll be right back" he passed me the remote before leaving the room. I settled back on the bed and loaded up Netflix aimlessly scrolling through the menu. I scrolled straight down to the horror section wanting to steer clear of any sappy love stories. I was still scrolling through when Josh returned, popcorn in hand. He set a glass of water down on the bedside table and joined me on the bed placing the popcorn between us.

"Feeling a horror movie are we?" He asked with a raised brow. He knew I'd never really been a fan of horror movies but it seemed like the safest option right now.

I shrugged my response "I dunno, with everything going on in my life right now a horror movie seemed kind of fitting" I kept my gaze focused on the screen but sensed he was watching me for signs of emotion or a mental breakdown perhaps.

He reached for my hand and offered it a gentle squeeze before letting it go again. "Things will get better Alex, I know they will. You just need to give yourself time to heal"

I sucked in a deep breath but didn't offer him a response. Instead I hit play on a random film and grabbed a handful of popcorn and settled into watch the film.


I watched the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. She had been tossing and turning but seemed to have finally settled into a more peaceful sleep. I pulled the blanket up over her and picked the stray popcorn from the bed placing the bowl on the table and shutting off the tv. I grabbed up my phone and quietly left the room being careful not to disturb her.

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