Chapter fifty three - Can't get no satisfaction

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I watched her as she watched him leave, her thoughts had become quiet. She was probably hiding them from me, we'd both got pretty good at that. Her expression said it all though, she was upset that he was gone.

"Lex, are you okay?" I asked softly

She pulled her legs up to her chest and clung onto them

"Talk to me babe, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours" I asked as I took my place next to her and stoked her hair.

"Sorry, I just suddenly feel so...I don't know"

"You miss him, you didn't want him to leave" I stated matter of factly. She nodded her head whilst hiding her face in her knees.

"Babe we said we'd be honest. I know you feel things for him, I expect you to be upset. I need you to not hide that from me if this is going to work okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just don't want to make you feel bad by rubbing it in your face" she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"He left to give us time to talk, I'm actually quite impressed with him. Beginning to think maybe he isn't as bad as I thought"

"He's not...he's" she stopped herself before hiding her head back in her knees

"Lex babe come on"

"I'm sorry Chase, I just I'm feeling so much right now it's just overwhelming"

"Then tell me what you're feeling, you're shutting me out. What's going through your mind baby"

She lifted her head up and locked eyes with mine "promise you won't run"

"I promise"

My mind filled with a thousands thoughts and feelings, all hers. How she felt right now. She wanted me, she wanted him. Flashbacks to the creek, the three of us talking. Her and Nate in the car. She wanted him, flashbacks to me and her, her and him, the dream, us in the creek, him kissing her outside the coffee shop, us in her bed, him stopping her panic attack at the side of the road, us in the closet, him touching her arm, the tingles, the wanting, the desire. I knew exactly what she was feeling right now. She'd wanted him in the car, she didn't get him.

"You're frustrated" my voice was thick, I was feeling pretty aroused after seeing and feeling all of that. Her eyes met mine and she nodded.

"Let's see what we can do about that" I breathed into her ear as I picked her up from the sofa and carried her up the stairs. I led her on the edge of her bed so her legs hung over the side, her brown eyes staring up at me as I leaned over her. I planted soft kisses down her neck enjoying the heat build up on her skin with every touch. I sat up and got to work on her zipper, pulling her jeans and panties down in one swift motion. Her eyes darkened as she looked up at me, I licked my lips as I looked down and her hot wet pussy.

"Don't worry baby, I'll get some of that frustration out"

Her hips bucked off the the bed as my mouth got to work devouring her, she tasted fucking amazing. Her hands found the back of my head and pushed me further into her as her body continued to writhe beneath me. Within minutes she was screaming my name and finding her release. In that moment she was mine.



I sat eating dinner with my mum feeling distracted as the events of the day ran through my head.

"Is everything okay sweetheart, you've hardly touched your food"

My mums concerned voice pulled my attention back to reality

"Sorry mum, I guess I'm not really hungry, I ate a big lunch and I can't stop thinking about the mountain of schoolwork that's waiting for me"

"Why don't I put that in the fridge and you can heat it up later, go and make a start on your schoolwork if you want honey"

"Are you sure?" I asked surprised, I didn't normally get away with missing meal times.

"I'm sure, as long as you promise you'll eat something later"

"I will mum, promise"

I left the table and headed up to my room pulling my school books from my bag. I did have a lot of work to do but that wasn't what had been on my mind. On impulse I picked up my phone and dialled Nate's number. It rang three times before he picked up

"Hey" he answered sounding slightly surprised

"Hey, I just wanted to check in. I hope it's okay I called?" I asked nervously

"Lex baby I told you I'm always at the end of the phone didn't I"

"I know, I guess I was worried you were just saying that"

He let out a sigh down the phone "I guess I'm just surprised you called, I half expected you to change your mind" his voice sounded a little shy.

"I know I've been pretty hot and cold with you lately, I'm sorry"

"I just want you to be honest with me from now on that's all"

"I can do that"

"Okay, well how about we start now, what made you call me?" His voice had a slight chuckle to it

"Well...I guess I missed you, I didn't really want you to leave when you did earlier"

"Really" he asked smugly

"You know I didn't" I joked back

"And why was that, what did you want me there for"

"I wanted know that already, don't make me say it again" I blushed

"What is it you wanted from me Lex" his voice was thick with lust and I loved it, just the sound of him was turning me on.

"Nate please" I spoke breathlessly into the phone as my arousal began to take hold.

"Put me on speakerphone baby, put the phone on the bed"

"What" I asked as nervous excitement built up inside me

"You heard me Lex, now lie down"

I switched my phone onto speaker and laid back on my bed getting into a comfortable position

"I'm led down" I whispered

"Close your eyes"

"What, why"

"Just do it baby, close your eyes for me"

"Okay, they're closed"

" now take off your top so your chest is bare"

I did so without question this time removing the t shirt and throwing it to the floor

"Good baby, now keep those eyes closed. Rest your hand against your chest, start at your breasts"

I moved my hand to my breasts, wishing it was him touching them

"It is me baby, your hand is my hand. Now touch yourself how you wanted me to touch you earlier" his voice thick with emotion and I could hear his thoughts in my head. It was like the dream only this time both of us were in each other's heads. I moved my hand down to my core, it was dripping wet. I'd never felt so turned on and ready.

"It's me baby, I'm touching you"

" Nate" I hissed as I continued to torturous pursuit of pleasure on myself

"That's it baby, keep going, let me hear you"

I let out another moan of pleasure as I picked up the pace

"Nate I want you so bad"

"You've got me baby, you've got me"

I felt the tension build up inside me, I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to be here. I didn't want to do it like this.

"Lex?" His voice sounded panicked, he knew something was off.

I pulled my hand away and grabbed the phone "I can't do it like this" and then I ended the call.

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