Chapter forty eight - Fighting temptation

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I had no idea what the hell had just happened, I'd heard her in my head and I'm pretty sure by the look on her face that she heard me too. This was fucked up. I got back in my car and drove home, taking the long way back to give me time to clear my head.

I laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling replaying things over and over in my mind. I don't even know how long I led their torturing myself before my phone drew my attention back to reality. A text lit up my screen.

We need to talk, meet me at skate park. Chase

Guess I should have expected that, he probably wanted to kick my face in after everything that had happened lately. Might as well get this over with. I typed out a reply letting him know I'd be there and then grabbed my keys and headed to the door. As I opened the front door to leave I ran straight into Alex who was waiting on the other side. She jumped back slightly and stumbled, I grabbed out to steady her waist and felt that strange tingling sensation under my palm that held her. She practically leap away from me as if my touch had burned her, a look of horror on her face.

"Alex sorry, I didn't meant to scare you"

"'s fine, you just took me by surprise" she stuttered

I noticed a light flush to her skin, she was avoiding eye contact with me. What's her deal, she came to see me and now she was acting like this was the last place she wanted to be

"It's not the last place I want to be"

"Wait what? Alex" I asked confused

"Nate we need to talk, can I come inside?"

I nodded and held the door open for her as I led the way to my room. I noticed her eyes darting around taking in her surroundings. Something seemed off with her. I sat on the bed and gestured for her to take a seat.

"No, I think it's better if I stay over here" she mumbled as she stood as far away from me as possible. Did she think I was going to hurt her?

"God Nate just stop, stop" she snapped as she crossed the room and stared out the window

"You can hear my thoughts can't you?" I stated more than asked

"Yes" she answered flatly

"I heard yours earlier I think, I don't hear them now though"

"I'm trying to keep them off"

"You can do that?"


"So you hear peoples thoughts? And you let people hear yours?"

"No....I only hear yours and..."

"....and Chase's" I finished for her. She nodded.

"I thought it was just me and Chase. We are connected some how, we hear each other. I lose control around him sometimes, it's like my body takes over. It's intense. It's the same for him. We need each other"

" where do I come into this?"

She turned to face me for the first time and I could see her tear stricken face

"I don't know. I don't understand why this is happening"

I got up from the bed and walked towards her to comfort her. She took a step back looking like a scared rabbit caught in the headlights. I paused just in front of her.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"It's not that"

"Then what is it, Alex explain it to me"

"I'm afraid of me, of what I might do"

The realisation sunk in, she was afraid she would lose control of herself with me like she said she does with Chase. I inched slightly closer to her and reached a hand up to wipe her tears.

"Alex I wouldn't take advantage of you like that, not like he does"

"He doesn't take advantage of me, don't you get it. I want him, it's not something either of us can control or explain. We need each other in a way I can't even describe, he makes me feel things I never knew were possible"

I could feel the tingles pulling my hand deeper against her face and I pulled it away not wanting to contradict what I'd just told her. I swear I heard a slight moan escape her lips at the loss of contact.

"How do I make you feel Alex"

"All I feel right now is uncomfortable"

"Really, that's all you feel"

"Yes that's all I feel"

"Well I apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable" I mumbled as I returned to the bed giving her the distance that she needed.

"I love Chase. He's the one I want, it's always been him"

"Yeah I kind of got that message after you ditched me at the dance and ran off after him"

"I just wanted to explain. I don't know what this is between us but nothing is going to happen, you're his brother. I'd never hurt him like that so whatever this is between us stops now"

"Hey I've stayed out of your way. I've put my personal differences with Chase to one side if you hadn't noticed"

"I had noticed. Thank you for that"

"I didn't do it for him. I still think he's a complete jackass that gets everything he doesn't deserve. I stayed away from him because of you, I knew it would hurt you if I hurt him"

Before I knew what was happening she was in my arms squeezing me in a tight embrace

"Thank you" she whispered in my ear. Her warmth covered my body and I could feel tingles begin to creep over me. Suddenly I was intoxicated by her, I pulled her tighter against me, I could feel her hardened nipples through the thin fabric of her top. She moved her hands up and down my back as if she was clawing at me. I instantly felt myself harden against her. She must have felt it to as she jumped back looking flustered.

"I should go" she stuttered without meeting my gaze. Before I knew it she was out the door leaving me stood alone with a hard on wondering what the fuck had just happened.

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