chapter fifty - In your dreams baby

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I was a complete wreck, I knew I shouldn't have gone to see Nate but part of me just couldn't stop myself. I had to explain to him what had happened, after all he probably thought he was going crazy just as much as I did.

I kept playing over what Chase had said to me over and over again. Did he really think I'd ever betray him like that by sleeping with his brother or even having any sort or romantic relationship with him. The thought of him thinking I could do that to him broke my heart. I loved Chase more than  anything, I'd never hurt him like that. Sure I had some sort of weird thing going on with Nate but there had to be some sort of explanation for that. Maybe it was genetics, him and Chase had the same dad, maybe I was just attracted to Nate because he reminded me of Chase. After all it was those piercing green eyes that sucked me in.

I led back in my bed and covered my head with a pillow, god I needed to get this out of my head. It was exhausting even trying to figure it out. I needed to get some rest and clear my head. I hadn't even shut my eyes for more than five minutes before there was a soft knock at my bedroom door. I slowly pulled myself into a seating position as the door opened and in walked Nate.

"Sorry to just drop in like this, your mum said it was okay to come up...if it's a bad time I can go" he stumbled over his words as he took in my appearance. I had changed into my pyjamas as soon as I'd got home and was all geared up for an early night.

"It's fine. I guess I kind of ran out on you earlier. There's probably more you want to talk about" I offered him a shy smile as I shuffled back against my bed allowing space for him to sit down. He took a seat on the end of the bed and let out a sigh.

"Nate I know this must be a lot for you to take in" I started but he suddenly turned to meet my gaze and I found myself unable to talk. God he was so sexy. No Alex stop it. I shook the thoughts from my head hoping he hadn't heard them. The small smile on his lips told me he had.

"Alex I didn't come here to make things difficult for you, I just I don't understand what's going on with us. I feel like I'm going crazy"

"You and me both"

"When I'm around you it's like there's something in the air, it's like your a drug or something and I can't think straight"

"Nate, I'm with Chase"

"I know that"

"I love him"

"I'm sure you do....but I'm starting to think that you may have feelings for me too"

"Even if I did it wouldn't matter"

"He said you'd say that"

"You've spoken to him about me?"

"He filled me in on the situation. He's worried you're torturing yourself about it"

"He's wrong. You both are. I love him, I want him. I don't want you"



"Then why are your cheeks so flushed. Why has your breathing changed. Why if I reach out and touch you do you feel tingles of pleasure all over your skin" he reached out and placed a hand on my ankle and slowly moved it up my bare leg.

Sparks felt like they were literally coming off my body where he touched me and I involuntary stretched my leg out to give him better access.

"Why if I move my lips to yours do you want to kiss them so bad it hurts not to do it. Admit it Alex you want me"

I let out a whimper as his lips ever so lightly brushed against mine, his hand still stroking my leg making their way up to the hem of my shorts. I could feel my arousal building. Before I knew what was happening I grabbed onto his hair and pulled his lips down to meet mine. We kissed with such passion I almost forgot to come up for air. When I finally let his lips go I sucked in a deep breath to allow the much needed air to return to my lungs.

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