Chapter Thirty three - New guy

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I nervously surveyed my surroundings as I walked through the school gates, I caught glimpse of a few sideways glances shot in my direction but what did I expect after two months out of school. Natalie linked my arm with hers and held her head high as she gave me a gentle tug towards the quad where I could see Lucas, Josh and some other guy I didn't recognise chatting animatedly. I gave Natalie a nudge "who's that talking with Lucas and Josh?" I asked curiously.

She looked over and rolled her hers "oh that, that's Nate. He transferred here a couple weeks ago, he's on the hockey team with the guys but I don't really know much about him. He seems kind of rude if you ask me" she announced with a dismissive tone.

I glanced back over at him as he was turning around, his green eyes met mine for a split second and I froze on the spot. Natalie turned to look at me with a confused expression on her face. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Uh...yeah" I recovered "just first day nerves that's all" I lied. I couldn't exactly tell her the new guys eyes had momentarily reminded me of Chase. Besides, I'd moved on, I was getting better. This was just a little blip. As we carried on walking to meet the guys Nate had already turned and was heading inside. Guess I wouldn't be introducing myself to him.

"Ladies" Lucas greeted us with a huge grin on his face, Josh shot me a shy smile. We'd written to each other a couple of times whilst I was away. I needed to apologise for everything but this was the first time I'd seen him in two months and it felt a bit awkward. 

"Hey boys, sorry did we scare your friend away" Natalie asked with a snigger as she nodded in the directed Nate had just left.

"Nah we were just catching up about the game later, are you girls gonna come?" Lucas asked hopefully. His question was to both of us but his eyes were on Natalie. Was something going on there that I didn't know about.

"Of course, wouldn't miss is" she replied with a slight blush to her cheeks. Something was definitely up with those two. I'd get it out of her later for sure. 

"What about you Alex?" Josh asked with a friendly tone. This was better, that didn't seem awkward at least.

"Er yeah, I'll come" I replied, offering him my most cheerful grin. "Cool, it'll be good to catch up" he smiled back. I nodded back at him as the bell rang out and we all headed inside for our first class. 

I walked down the corridor until I found the door to Hoskins English class and paused outside building up the courage to enter. I could do this, he probably wouldn't be there anyway. Deep breathe Alex. 

"Are you going to stand there all day? Some of us actually want to get inside" the deep voice snapped behind me. I turned around and met those familiar green eyes again. Nate stood there looking at me impatiently. "Err sorry" I mumbled as I stepped aside to allow him entry. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I put my head down and made my way into class. 

"Ah miss Morgan so good to see you back" Hoskins bellowed from behind his desk as I took my seat. I caught a glimpse of Chase's old seat near the back of the class. He wasn't in it but someone else occupied it now. Nate sniggered at me as I fumbled with my books. Natalie was right, he was rude.

The lesson seemed to last a lifetime and I felt a rush of relief flood through me when the bell finally rang. I grabbed up my bag and headed for the door. "Miss Morgan, Mr Ashford" Hoskins voiced boomed behind me. Great, what did he want now. I reluctantly turned round and headed towards his desk where Nate stood looking just as unimpressed as I did.

"Right you two, as Mr Ashford has recently transferred and you Miss Morgan have just returned after your little holiday away I would like you to work together on a little extra credit project to get you both back up to speed" 

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