Chapter forty seven - denial

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I was sat throwing stones into the creek thinking things over. Had I made the wrong decision by letting her go alone. Maybe I should have gone with her, I knew I could trust her but after everything we had been through I was kicking myself for not being there to offer some sort of moral support. I maybe fine with cutting that jack ass out of my life but I knew she needed closure, she deserved answers even if I didn't want them myself.

I heard footsteps in the distance and stood up turning my attention to the path behind me, I could see her come into view as she steps out from the trees. Her expression looked grave, she was upset.

Without hesitation I raced over towards her, searching her face for answers.

" if he fucking hurt you I'll kill him" I spat as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. I breathed in her tropical scent. God that shower gel she used did things to me but this wasn't the time. Pull yourself together Chase.

"Lex baby, what happened"

She began to cry, her body shaking as I held her. "Did he..did he try something Lex?" I almost choked on the words. Why did I let her go alone.

She pulled away and wiped her tears whilst shaking her head.

"No, he didn't do anything Chase. It's me, it's all me" her face looked broken as the tears began to fall again.

"Calm down baby, tell me what happened" I soothed as I pulled her into my chest again. She breathed me in and I could feel her shakes begin to steady almost to a complete stop. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. I needed to know what had happened, whatever it was was clearing having an effect on her and I didn't like it one bit.

"He heard me" she whispered as she gripped onto me tighter

"Heard you?" I questioned not understanding what she was telling me.

"And I heard him too" she whimpered again.

My mind was suddenly filled with what felt like a memory only it wasn't mine, it was hers. She was having a panic attack or the start of one, he was calming her down, helping her. It was as if I was seeing things from her point of view, his hands holding hers. The feel of tingles pricking her skin. The thoughts in her head...he heard her and then she heard him. I could feel the mix of emotions she felt. Horrified at what had happened, but the faint tingles and attraction were mixed in too.

My mind snapped out of it and my head cleared as I looked down at her, her gaze looking up at me. She had just shown me her memory.

"Chase I'm so sorry, I don't understand how it happened. I don't even like him"

"You do though, I felt it. You wanted him" I said flatly

"No, no I don't. I want you Chase, only you. Please believe me, I showed you that so you could see I was being honest. I don't want there to be any lies or secrets between us this time. I love you Chase"

"I know" I smiled at her. Sure she had basically just told me she was attracted to another guy, and my half brother at that but I could see what it was doing to her and I meant what I said before. Whatever she did to me I'd still be there. I loved her more than anything and I wouldn't leave unless she told me otherwise.

She fell back into my arms and I could feel the relief flow from her. She'd heard my last thoughts and I was happy she had. I wanted her to know she could trust me, she was safe with me. I didn't know quite how we would deal with this situation but it would be together. One thing I did know was that me and my brother needed to have a little talk.

We sat down by the creek in silence for a while just enjoying the silence. We had both learned to control our thoughts better and now wasn't the time to be letting them run wild. She broke the silence first.

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