Chapter Sixty three - Nothing hurts like the truth

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"We need to hurry Nate, we don't have long left" I cried hysterically at Nate as he put his foot down.

"We're almost there Lex, just around this corner" he soothed. I saw pain flash across his face. He was worried too. What if we were too late.

"We're not baby, don't think like that"

We rounded the final corner into the clearing of the creek. "There, there's his car" I screamed as I opened the door before the car had fully stopped.

"CHASE....CHASE" I screamed as I approached the car. I could hardly see inside for the build up of smoke and fumes inside. I reached for the door handle and felt Nate's hand on mind as we pulled the door open together.

"I've got him Lex, I've got him" he looked deep into my eyes as I took a step back and watched as he pulled a lifeless Chase from the car.

"Alex cut the engine" he called snapping me out of my trance.

"Come on man, Chase wake up. She needs you Chase"

I watched in horror as Nate started cpr. I can't lose him. I reached out on instinct and grabbed his hand immediately feeling the sparks go through us, the sudden jolt made me let go.

"Chase?" I gasped in shock. Nate looked at me.

"Alex take his hand again" Nate instructed. I took his hand in mine again and felt a warmth radiate through my body but this time I didn't let go.

"I'm here Chase, stay with me"


I felt myself drifting as the smoke filled my lungs. This was it, I had nothing to live for. No fight left to give. I'd hurt the only person I'd ever loved and I didn't deserve to stick around. I'd thought I'd seen her a few minutes ago stood by the trees but it was just my mind playing another cruel trick. I hadn't been able to stop torturing myself about her since it happened. I needed it all to stop.


I felt a shock run through me like electricity radiating up my arm. What was going on.

I'm here Chase, stay with me

Lex I could have sworn it was her voice in my head.

It is Chase I'm here. Please come back to me.

Am I in heaven?

Chase I need you to wake up, I can't lose you.

Her voice sounded desperate. She was upset. I'd upset her. I'd hurt her. I deserved to die. She was better off without me.

Chase please, I'm begging you. I won't be able to live without you. Please don't give up, don't give up on us.

Im sorry baby, I lost control, I don't even know how to explain what I did but I hate myself for it and I'm willing to pay the price and let you go.

Why aren't you listening to me, I don't want you to let me go.

Yes, yes you do. The real Alex does. She hates me. I saw it in your eyes. Your just a figment of my imagination. I can't live like this, it's torture. I can't stop seeing you, your broken face. The fear in your eyes. I can't take it.

Chase it's me, I'm real. Feel my touch, please Chase please.


"Chase it's me, I'm real. Feel my touch, please Chase please" I begged through my tears.

"Lex baby calm down, I need to carry on with the CPR, please I need you to make some room" Nate pleaded with me.

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