Chapter eleven - Goodbye

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It was Monday morning, how had the weekend gone so fast. I glanced at my clock, 6.10am. Why was I awake so early I groaned to myself? I retrieved my phone knowing there was no point in attempting to get back to sleep and saw I had a message from Chase. Shit he'd sent it last night, but I'd fallen asleep super early, probably why I've woken up at the crack of dawn! Serves me right, I guess.

I need to talk to you; can we meet before school tomorrow?

A pang of worry filled me when I read his words. Had he decided to cave into the mystery persons demands and not risk the video being released. I tried to push the negative thoughts from my mind as I typed my reply.

Sure, my mums heading to the office early so come over when you're ready X

I was shocked to see the three dots on my screen, he was typing a reply. Why was he up this early?

See you in 15

I tried not to overthink things, although I noted the lack of kisses in both his messages. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was up. I jumped out of bed and decided to get showered and dressed before he arrived.

I showered and dried my hair in record time, leaving it to fall down my back how I knew he liked it. I'd opted for my yellow sundress, the one I wore the day we first got together. I know it's silly, but I had a bad feeling about this, and I somehow wanted to remind him of what we had. I packed my bag ready for school and watched out the window as I saw my mum's car pull out of the drive. Shortly after I heard the sound of another car pull up and nervously stood up from my bed and headed downstairs.

He was still sat in the car when I opened the front door. His eyes met mine and as soon as I looked at them, I knew I was right. He was here to leave me.

I felt my legs begin to shake beneath me as I continued to lock onto his gaze

I'm sorry Lex, it's the only way

I was startled by a high-pitched noise before realising it was coming from me. I couldn't control it, sobs and cries of pain escaped me, and I had no control to stop them. I watched as he raced out of the car towards me, getting to me just in time as I slumped down to the floor.

"Breathe Lex, you need to breathe. Deep breaths baby" he pulled me onto his lap taking hold of my hands. "Just breathe, focus on your breathing"

I could feel his chest rising and falling against me and I focused on mimicking his movements. After what felt like forever, I felt myself regaining control.

"Why" I croaked between sobs "I thought you cared about me, you promised you wouldn't leave me"

He pulled me closer and I could feel his pain. He didn't want this; I know he didn't.

She's pregnant Lex, Lauren's pregnant

I felt his body begin to shake against mine as his tears dropped down onto my face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, but I have to do the right thing. Even if it kills me to hurt you like this"

I couldn't find the words; how could I argue with that. Miss Jenson was having his baby and I knew I couldn't ask him to choose me over her and his child no matter how much I wanted to.

I wish I could baby, I'd chose you over and over if I could

He pulled my face up to meet his as I reached up and pressed my lips against his. I could taste the salty tears on his lips as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, desperate for one last taste of him. I knew I couldn't hold onto him any longer, I needed to let him go. I pulled away from our kiss, studying his face one final time.

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