Chapter Sixty - Shattered

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I can't believe things are finally working out. Sure it was unconventional but Alex was worth it, I was sure of it. I turned my key in the lock and stepped inside to be greeted with the most wonderful smell. Mums spaghetti sauce.

"Hey sweetie, thought I'd cook your favourite tonight. I've not seen much of you lately and thought we could spend some time together" mum smiled from the kitchen.

"That sounds great mum, I'll just go wash up and then I'll come and help" I smiled. Twenty minutes later and we were laughing and joking in the kitchen whilst I chopped some tomatoes for the salad.

Nate help me, please Nate I need you

Alex's thoughts shot into my mind taking me by surprise as I dropped the knife.

"Hey, go easy there. We don't want a trip to the hospital for a severed finger" mum joked.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled Alex's number. It rang out and rolled to voicemail. I dialled Chase next, same thing.

Alex baby what's wrong I willed the thought to reach her but I was met with silence in return. Shit something wasn't right about this. She'd sounded scared before and I couldn't help but feel like something was really wrong.

"Uh shit mum I just realised I'd made plans tonight to see a friend. They really need my help with something and I don't want to let them down, can I take a rain check on dinner?" I asked with regret.

She eyed me suspiciously "Nate you never skip out on spaghetti night, is everything ok?"

"Yeah mum, I just really need to be somewhere. I'll heat some up later and we can have a catch up then" I offered trying to sound hopeful as I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door.

The drive to Alex's house seemed to take a lifetime but I was finally pulling up into the driveway. I noticed the front door was slightly ajar as I approached it and panic suddenly filled my body.

"ALEX......ALEX" I shouted only to be met by silence. I pushed the door shut behind me, everything downstairs appeared to be in order. I raced up the stairs and stopped frozen with worry at her closed bedroom door afraid of what I might find behind it. I slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open. I felt my heart plummet at the sight before me, the contents of the dressing table were all over the floor, broken glass from the mirror glistened against the carpet. The stool was over the other side of the room but there was no sign of Alex. I stepped in further and felt something under my foot. I peered down to pick it up. It looked like a button, my eyes scanned the rest of the floor and I felt my blood run cold when I came across the ripped material of the red bikini bottoms she had been wearing. What the fuck had happened here. I heard a small sound and turned my attention to the bathroom door which was pushed closed but wasn't fully shut. I steadied myself as I took a step closer and pushed on the door to open it further. I literally fell to my knees at the sight before me.
"Alex" I breathed as I pulled myself together and rushed over to her. She flinched at my touch.
"Baby I'm not going to hurt you" I soothed. She looked up at me for a second before launching herself into my arm. I could feel her shaking uncontrollably, I wrapped my arms tightly around her as she sobbed into my chest. She was half naked, in nothing more than a bikini top.
"Baby what happened" I whispered trying to fight back my own tears. I couldn't hear anything, she must of had some sort of block up.

We sat there like that for at least half an hour before she finally pulled away and looked up at me. "Thank you for coming" she croaked, her voice hoarse from crying.
"I'm glad you reached out to me, but Lex don't you think we ought to call Chase? He would want to be here too" I soothed as I stroked the side of her face. I felt her pull away from me at the mention of his name
"No, I don't want him here" she hissed as she pulled her knees tight against her chest.
Is hot her a confused look "Lex what's going on?" I asked confused. Why wouldn't she want him here. I studied her face it was full of a mixture of anger and heartbreak and then it all made sense.
"Lex did he do this, did he hurt you?" I almost choked on the words as I spoke. Her sad eyes met mine as fresh tears rolled down her beautiful face.
"Yes" she spoke in almost a whisper "I couldn't stop him, he lost control" she whimpered as she hid her face in her knees.

I was going to fucking kill him.


I'd just finished cleaning up the mess on the floor and trying to put Alex's dressing table together when I heard the shower finally shut off. She's been in there for the best part of an hour but I knew that she needed some time to process things. A few minutes later her bathroom door opened and she came out wrapped in her fluffy robe. "Lex babe, I need to know what happened" I asked cautiously as she sat next to me on the bed.
"I don't even understand it myself, it was like he wasn't him. He wasn't Chase"
"That doesn't make any sense" I muttered
"His eyes were black. It was like something had possessed him. It was as if he couldn't hear me or see what he was doing to me. I don't think he meant to actually hurt me"
"But he did Alex, he did hurt you" I cut her off before she could make anymore excuses for him.
"I know" she sobbed.
I pulled her into my chest "shit sorry babe I didn't mean to get angry. I just can't believe he'd do this to you" she sobbed into my chest a little more.
"Can you show me where he hurt you?" I asked softly. She slowly pulled away from my arms and looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes that were now full of sadness.
"I just need to know exactly what happened" I clarified. She nodded at me and took a deep breath.
"We'd just got back to mine, things were heated. I'd had a dream in the car. I don't even remember it but judging by the wetness between my legs it wasn't exactly pg13. We got inside and straight away things heated up. He wanted me and I wanted him. Things have always been a bit heated with us in the bedroom so I didn't notice anything different at first. When he ripped off my button on my shorts I just put it down to heat of the moment. I mean I was giving him all the signs, my body wanted him and he knew it. He lifted me onto the dressing table and that's where things got a bit out of hand" she paused
"Out of hand?" I asked willing her to continue
"He was being more forceful than normal and I didn't entirely mind at the time. Our bodies where practically on fire from the heat of it all. He pulled at my bikini bottoms and tore them in half. They pulled against me and it hurt" she pulled up her robe to expose her hip which had a deep purple bruise just below it. My eyes met hers but she looked away unable to hold my gaze.
"I tried to call out to him to let him know he was being too rough but he didn't hear me. I got distracted, he was making me feel so much pleasure and I couldn't get my thoughts straight. He was getting rougher and that's when I banged my head. I saw in his eyes that he was gone. It wasn't him. He thrust into me and we started having sex but then things got more physical and he pulled me down the table. I slipped, I think I called out to him but I can't be sure. My head hurt. Then I blacked out. The last thing I remember was thinking of you. Asking you to help me. When I opened my eyes I was alone in my room so I hid in the bathroom and that's where you found me"

I sat there in silence, stunned by what I had heard.
"Nate please say something" she pleaded

I looked at her broken face
"I'm going to fucking kill him" I spat as I stood up from the bed.

"No Nate please, please I'm begging you"

"Lex he hurt you"

"Please just stay with me Nate, please, I just need you to be here with me" she was getting hysterical and I couldn't have that.

"Shhh it's okay, shhhh" I soothed as I pulled her into my chest "I'm not going anywhere just relax"

We stayed like that until she fell asleep. I felt awful for lying to her but I couldn't just let this go. I gently moved her head from my chest onto her pillow and crept out of her room being careful to softly close the door behind me.

Chase Matthews was going to pay.

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