Chapter Sixty four - Acceptance

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We'd been sat talking for over an hour both Chase and Alex going around in circles. Neither of them noticed when I pulled out my phone twenty minutes ago and shot off a text and they barely registered when headlights appeared.

"Who's that, did you call someone" Alex looked over at me.

"I text Natalie, she didn't have the car tonight so she sent Josh to come and get you" I deadpanned

"What? Why would you do that. I'm going with you" she asked exasperated.

"Babe I'm gonna take Chase home, he shouldn't be alone tonight"

"He won't be, he has me"

"No I don't Alex. I've already told you, I'm not going to trust myself to be around you. When are you going to listen to me"

I watched as Josh stepped out of the car and gingerly walked over towards us his eyes taking in the scene around us.

"Hey err...Natalie called, said you needed a ride. Car trouble?" He asked

"You could say that" Alex mumbled under her breath

I watched as Josh's eyes glances to the rear of the car, the hose was still jammed into the exhaust and I watched as his gaze trailed it up to the window before looking down as Chase who was still slumped against the car.

"Josh I need you to take Alex home" I stated matter of factly

"No, you don't. I'm coming with you" she argued

"Lex please, I am trying to be the bigger person right now and do the best thing for everyone. I know it might not feel like it right now but Chase needs someone and it can't be you. Not yet anyway. Please baby I know deep down you know I'm right" I stroked my thumb across her cheek as she looked down at the ground.

"Fine, but you are calling me first thing tomorrow"

"Of course" I assured her as I nodded over to Josh.

"Is everything okay, can I do anything else I mean" his voice trailed off as he looked over at Chase. "Is he okay?"

"He will be, thanks for coming out so late Josh I appreciate it. You're a good guy"

I planted a kiss on top of Alex's head as I said my goodbyes "I'll see you tomorrow Lex, try and get some sleep"

They turned and headed towards the car

"Josh" I called after him as Alex got in. He walked back towards me


"Stay with her tonight. On the floor, in the chair. Don't even think of getting the wrong idea but please she needs someone"

"Then why not you?" He questioned. I looked back at Chase.

"Because he needs someone too, and it can't be her right now"

He nodded at me before turning back and getting in the car and driving off.

"You know that's a bad idea, sending her off with him"

"Things are different now Chase, Josh wouldn't cross that line again and Alex has changed. She loves us"

"I've been out of the picture a week and you already think you know her better than me" he chuckled "I bet you've enjoyed shacking up with her this whole time. Having her all to yourself" he spat.

"I know what you're trying to do and it won't work with me. But for your information Chase, nothing has happened with me and Alex since that night"


"I don't really care if you believe me or not. I've slept with Alex once and that time you know about. She's been through hell this past week so shacking up as you call it has been the last thing on her mind" I spat back at him. "Now get your shit together, we are heading back to mine. We'll sort out your car in the morning"
I reached over and pulled the keys from the ignition and locked the car. I made sure to dispose of the hose whilst I was at it.

The drive back to mine was silent and part of me was grateful for it. I turned my key in the lock and threw them on the counter. I watched as Chase looked around the small open plan living room.

"It's not much but it's home" I stated as I went to the cupboard a pulled out a spare blanket and pillow and began making a bed up on the sofa.

"Are you sure your mum will be cool with it" he asked unsure

"I already texted her so it's fine, don't worry" I carried on making the bed up for him as he stood silently watching. "Can I get you anything to eat? Or a drink?" I offered

"I could really do with a beer" I chuckled

"Sorry bro, mum doesn't keep alcohol in the house, I can offer you a coke though"

"Nah, waters fine"

I grabbed us both a bottle of water from the fridge and sat on the chair opposite him. I watched as he downed half the water in one gulp.
"Guess I needed that" I joked as he finished the other half.

I eyed him suspiciously as he placed the empty bottle on the table.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked cautiously

"If you want but I'm not sure if I'm gonna have the answer"

"Why did you do it?"

"I already told you I wasn't in control" he huffed clearly annoyed.

"No not that, the car. Why did you do it, decide to end it. To give up"

He sat in silence for a minute as he mulled over my question.
"Ever since that night I can't stop picturing it. I can't get it out of my head. The look in her eyes. I kept replaying it over and over again. I haven't slept, I can't do anything without being consumed by it. It's torture. I just wanted it to end" he sighed

"And do you feel now" I asked as he met my gaze

"I still feel like shit but seeing her tonight made me realise that if I had gone through with it then it would have killed her too"

"So you're good, you're not going to"

"I'm not going to try again. I wouldn't do that to her"

"Good....but you know Chase, having someone run away from you, shut you out completely. That can feel just as bad as losing them altogether. Maybe have a think about that"

I got up from the chair and placed my water unopened on the side. "Here have mine too, I'm gonna hit the sack. We can talk more in the morning"

He nodded at me as I walked towards my room hoping that he did the right thing and was still there in the morning.

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